The Osprey Chat Thread for September 2011

In response to the demand for an osprey chat thread I am now making one for September 2011.  I guess there will be quite a bit to chat about given the success of the extension thread.

  • scylla said:

    Hi there BJ, nice to see you :-)

    CIRRUS, I thing nothing's been logged, my GE is still on 1 September (and yes, I HAVE refreshed it! ;-) ).


    You might want to zoom in on Bynack's tracking coz the little so and so has headed a wee bit North 2nd September

    At least thats what comes up on the lower tech RSPB map :)

    A very old Shropshire Lad.

  • Spring watch this year showed loads of birds on a north sea boat, catching a lift.. it's not beyond comprehension that our boy did the same

    All for one and one for all.


  • Hazel b said:

    Vespa   You make fascinating points as always.   It had not occured to me that this is the first example of a son and grand children being tracked at the same time.

    As you know there was some liason between  9 (98) and the site B female in recent years. It is interesting that  9 (98) decided to cut up rough this year. It really reminded me of what happened at Loch Garten in 2004 when an unknown female (some speculate that it was Olive) repeatedly bombed EJ on the nest and broke the first egg.

    I rememer it well; I think it was the first year I fully followed the blog at Loch Garten, as I type this I think of how much think that blog has progressed to this forum

  • Vespa   You are right about things progressing. A once or twice a week offering which was often more about custard creams than ospreys. Bassenthwaite went down that route for a time too. When you read the diary it was hard to find out what you wanted to know i.e  what were the ospreys up to.