The Osprey Chat Thread for September 2011

In response to the demand for an osprey chat thread I am now making one for September 2011.  I guess there will be quite a bit to chat about given the success of the extension thread.

  • TBOL    Yes we have watched that cam since 2006 at least. They normally lay four eggs and have fledged four on three occasions I think. They love blue objects in the nest.

  • Yes we have watched that cam for a number of years BOL. They regularly raise four chicks in that nest and are excellent parents. They love the colour blue, once bringing a blue teddy bear to the nest, and the male feeds the female when she is brooding.

  • So that's how Tesco's carrier bags are recycled over there ;-D Yes, I saw that love of objects blue on their nest...:-)

  • LOL Tiger, ok so yours is BIGGER than mine :))