Visiting Loch Garten and Strathspey


I offered to start this Topic before my own trip to Scotland, so thought I'd better get on with it. 

The idea - somewhere to bring together people's accounts of their visits, photos, useful information, questions from those planning a trip - a sort of scrapbook really. 

I still need to write up my own visit, but anyone is welcome to post material or links here.       

  • Chloe|B + Tiger so sorry to hear the car is in such a bad way.Its so great that it got you around to all those wonderful places before it took so ill!!

    ClaireM thanks for the kind comments re tinies, 3 are mine the blondies, 2 my sisters, taken a couple of yrs ago. Sis lives in France + is now only over 1 a yr :-( They all arrive tomorrow so will see them Sat. Woo Hoo!! Unfortunately they aren't venturing north this yr. We have all gone away together for a few days to Cromdale for the last few yrs but not this which I'm sad about. Not long to wait now - fingers crossed for good camping weather!! Lol + a wee bit wind to keep the midgies at bay - what do you reckon? Will let you know what we do + see when we are there.

    Great to be on a LG thread that doesn't zoom away beyond my 'keeping up with' capabilities!! Lol.

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!

  • Tiger & Chloe, it was so good to meet up with you at last, and lovely to read of all you did whilst you were here - you must have hit practically all the eateries in the area!

    Sorry I missed you on your last visit and sorry to hear about your car Chole - I hope its not as terminal as you suggest.

  • Oh Tiger i am bad at going back on blogs, I do not have time. I know most of places you have visited and wonderful. So pleased you both enjoyed good weather and Sue C had a brilliant idea about talking about LG visits. I will read and then write when I have been again

  • Thank you for sharing your holiday Tiger.  I enjoyed your account very much  - ChloeB is a really good photographer, lovely photosl  What a dear little Chaffinch - a juvenile no doubt, but it must be used to lots of visitors sharing their food.  A very precious moment.

    I trust the car is not going to cost an arm and a leg to fix  - it must have done loads of miles on the trip ! Thank goodness it broke down right at the very end of the holiday.

    Welcome home to both of you.

  • Thank you for taking the trouble to tell us about your holiday, Tiger :-)  Kate Humble's seat - fancy that! :-)

  • Thank you Tiger for your account of your recent visit to Loch Garten with ChloeB!  Your account of the proceedings had me in stiches!  You aimed to be on the road at 7 a.m. ....... are you sure it was 7.05 a.m. precisley when you left? LOL  Stickler for detail!  

    "We worked out a route and tried to get the Satnav to understand"  ROLF!!!  I understand just where you were coming from.

    Fabulous account of where to visit in the surrounding areas but, I, like Brenda H, would like to know if you saw EJ, Odin, Tore or Bynack!   Did you both at least see Bynack take a fish off the nest in his talons, probably for the first time whilst you where  there?  I think, maybe wrong, he did that first before Tore?!  

    Anyway, glad to have you both back ChloeB and Tiger!  Amazing to see Chaffinches on your Arm Tiger! WOW!  Hope your holiday, the Highlands, LG and the Osprey's were compensation enough for car breakdown ...  

    Yours sincerely


  • Thankyou Tiger for the account of your week away at Loch Garten.  Brought it all back to me when you talk about the Centre.  What an amazing shot of the chaffinch of your arm, cheeky little devil.  Sorry about Chloe's  car but glad the AA mahaged to get you home safely.


  • Oh, I enjoyed that Tiger!  Another good place to eat lunch is the McDonald Centre in Aviemore.  I will note those other places that you have mentioned!  You make me wish I was back in the area and I am only home!!!!

  • Oh Tiger so wonderful to read so much and so many places I have visited. I used to have a map and mark off everwhere i went through. I was in a mountain shop in Aviemore and the alarms went off and I was taken to the desk. So embarrassing had to empty my bag, it turned out something I bought from boots still had the tag on. Boots do not remove the selophane and the tag is left on. I felt terrible and I left the shop and I was going to buy but oh they honestly thought I was thieving and even when it was found out if not my fault and tried to joke about but the the womans face , reminds me of pretty woman and Chloe, I was going to spend a lot of money. Oh I still felt guilty. The same alarms when off in Tesco here and the security guard said have you got something from Boots, for women all it was twice it was mascara, he did not make me feel like a criminal. It also happened when I tried to get into JJb sports, could not get through the door as the alarm was going off.

    Tiger/Chloe thank you for writing the experience of your holiday and wonderful to read.

    Tiger/Chloe it was lovely to read and oh the Tiger got a mention on the main blog from Richard, now that must be a first.:) the Oracle, springs to mind



  • Oh, I know none of these eating places, as lunch is from the picnic hamper in the back of the car along with the thermos of hot water for tea - as we used to do when I was wee!! My Mum now refuses to sit on the travelling rug, enjoying our folding chairs + so its falling to me to cut the toms, cuc slice the cheese / ham etc!!

    Must see if I can find some of the wonderful photos of the past generations going on hols in this area.

    Not long before we go need to check the batteriesempty the SD card + put the thermal underwear in - although a friend said this pm that its been so hot up ther they haven't been able to do anthing!! Wait till we get there; there will be frosts at dawn!!

    'In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks'  John Muir.       

    Excuse wobbily dyslexic spelling!