Another new day which now seems quite different. All the pleasant exciting events are over and "Goodbye to the ospreys" is the next stop. It is really amazing how quickly the season has gone.
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Day cam is on; still all quiet..
The wider view of the nest (well that's what it said folks!)
The nest is empty but it doesn't look as empty to me as it does when we know they are gone. At least we know they are near-by and will come to the nest sometime.
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
That nest is a major mess!!
When the people from the center go up to the nest to check it for fishing lines and such it they will need to bring a huge trash bag to take some of the trash with them . I hope they pull out some of the tall grass too . Odin gets a bit carried away finding treasures to bring to the nest LOL
Looks like there's been a big party there - wouldn't be surprised to see a few beer cans.... :-)
This is my 4th year watching and this is the worst I have seen it look.
I hear EJ or someone calling for breakfast :)
Bynack (I feel sure) has just been on the nest out of sight - but evident from his vibrant and joyful cries. I've had the Record on, just in case, but he didn't show himself. Now there's "someone" making a lot of noise more distantly, I bet it's him :-* Ahh, they're doing a dawn chorus now, but not as we'd know it ;-D
I have the sound down coz of that loud buzzing.
It is early morning at an empty nest, beautifully vibrant in the morning light, but I am hearing a juvie begging for fish off camera...
[VIDEO] of the juvie begging in the background - you need to tune out the cam hum in the foreground.
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