Since I am at present unable to find any of the people who until this morning have posted on the LG blog , I am starting this thread to provide us with a gathering place to our liking. If this is successful and  we do reunite here, the thread will be updated daily or as needed.  Come & join me, folks, it's lonesome here.

  • SUNSHINE the mind boggles.  I look forward to your next instalment!!

    Edit:  woops, I hadn't refreshed, will go back and read what you said.

    Edit again!  Ha Ha, easily done over a gallon or two.  Possibly less costly than diesel in the petrol tank or vice versa!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • SheilaFE said:

    SUNSHINE the mind boggles.  I look forward to your next instalment!!

    Edit:  woops, I hadn't refreshed, will go back and read what you said.

    Edit again!  Ha Ha, easily done over a gallon or two.  Possibly less costly than diesel in the petrol tank or vice versa!

    Now that is no joke. I usually visit my friend in Yorkshire in June. Anyway in 2009 he put petrol in the diesel of the 4X4 a few days before I was due to visit. Result a new engine needed....cost £5,000. Anyway he hired a car for the weekend. The Sunday morning was glorious sunshine and we went down to get the Sunday papers. We came back and lounged around.

    I was aware that I had not got my camera but I thought it was around. At some time my friend took the car back and it was at that point I began to look for my camera with no success. When he came back I asked if the camera was in the car? He said he did not see one.

    Anyway I decided I would get in to the hire shop at York Station as early as possible on the Monday. I got in there about 7.50am and waited for the shop to open. The girl who came to open the shop said that they had not inspected the retuned cars. We went out to the returned car and there sitting beneath the seat was my camera......RELIEF. The lady suggested I buy a lottery ticket!!!!

  • Several moments ago EJ was fiddling again with the sticks at the edge of the nest, with the chicks chirping loudly all the while - food soliciting, I think. Now at 6:47 pm one of the chicks is doing his/her own rearranging, while the other looks on.

    B&B, have a wonderful & SAFE trip. In my church we pray for "Travel Mercies" so if you dont object I will pray for safey in travel for you & that the choices you make will turn out to be the best ones for you.  I need to find a good map to follow some of the places you all are talking about.

    NEW THREAD:   There have been several postings today & this thread is getting rather lengthy, so tonight I will start a new thread.  I think it is just as well to shorten the name somewhat, don't you?  We are mainly about EJ's nest so I will maintain that part, eliminating just the "day by day".  Our updated thread will be called   LG OSPREY GABFEST.

  • June thank you and I enjoyed your posts this morning.

  • Sounds like it SUNSHINE. Here are some pics from last year, am sure you will recognise them.

    Bright and Breezy I hope they have some carrot cake for you when you go :)

  • B & B/Sunshine - Your descriptions of Lochaline brings back memories and the Applecross Road - If I knew it was that windy I would never have gone up it. Remember staying Lochaline with only the lights of Tobermory twinkling at you accross the Sound of Mull.

    If you stay there a while good chance of seeing Otters, Pine Martins, Eagles and Sea Eagles. I know you are keen to see the Sea Eagles. Once over Mull I think the RSPB take visits to the loch to view the sea eagles.

  • Chloe B - My wife well spotted the pictures and got it right straight away - we used to stay at the river coe and camp beside the Clacaig Inn - also used same place as overnight stop on the West Highland way walk - the proprieter provided a good meal rather than eating rough.

  • Seems a popular place Keith, not surprising really. There must be so many who break their journey there. I love the drive through Rannoch Moor and the Pass, wonderful scenery. Unfortunately this year it rained from Dumbarton all the way to Glencoe so I could hardly see Loch Lomond for mist and rain and the lovely views across Rannoch were similarly obliterated.

    I went on a boat trip on Loch na Keal, run by Mull Charters, and had brilliant views of one of the sea eagles. Got some pretty good pics too.

  • Keith this is supposed to be under your message but I will see.  We went on the Applecross road of death in a Bambi Campervan E reg and was only 6 yrs ago, the poor thing was huffing and puffing and it made it to the top, my partners son called it Spikey from a toddler and I do miss it.  Amazing when at the top, you are in the clouds but unfortunately freezing and my first visit to Scotland in August and I never thought about taking warm clothes brrr.  It was a cloudy day and did spoil it because we could not see anything for the clouds and oh the wind, shivers.

    Only 5 days on Mull but very excited.

  • The weather can be really mixed on Mull B and B so you do need good weatherproof gear. Having said that I'm sure you will love it and have a great time.