Since I am at present unable to find any of the people who until this morning have posted on the LG blog , I am starting this thread to provide us with a gathering place to our liking. If this is successful and  we do reunite here, the thread will be updated daily or as needed.  Come & join me, folks, it's lonesome here.

  • Hamish MacInnes   That is a name I have not seen in a long time. He was on Mount Everest in September 1975 when Scott and Haston conquered the south west face for the first time, in an expedition led by Chris Bonnington. 

  • TIGER is there no end to your information.since 1978 i must have stayed near glen coe about 100 times. the village at the end of loch leven is calle KINLOCH LEVEN. i used go in the tailrace hotel to quench my thirst so to speak. in there i met a man called DENNIS BARCLAY. (i think thats how you spell it ) i spent many happy hours talking to him .. he was a member of the glen coe mountain rescue team. once i told him when i walked up the side of one the three sisters. of glen coe . i said i had walked on this certain path and it got a bit narrow. he gave me the mother of all telling offs. he said they had recovered two bodies from there in the previous  five years.

  • Hi Sunshine, I spent a week on Mull recently, my second visit to the island, and drove up via Rannoch Moor and Glencoe, Corran Ferry and Lochaline/Fishnish ferry. I meet up with the friends I stay with on Mull in Glencoe at the little craft shop cafe there. They sell wonderful carrot cake. Best I have ever tasted :)

  • CHLOEB is that the one on the side of the old road . and the cafe is in the rear i think, i remember getting a glen coe T shirt and glen coe mug which only just used it today. small world

  • Hazel b said:

    Hamish MacInnes   That is a name I have not seen in a long time. He was on Mount Everest in September 1975 when Scott and Haston conquered the south west face for the first time, in an expedition led by Chris Bonnington. 

    Who also wrote a splendid book, Hamish's Mountain Walk - the first non-stop climb of all the Munros in the 1970s.  I know the house you mention Sunshine, but had no idea it is now owned by Sir Jim! 

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018


    Unknown said:

    I can't get anything right and before you see above Sunshine, I mean Lochaline to Fishnish, tried to edit but to no sucess.

    b&b To edit your own post you will see a green pencil in the bottom of your original post.  Click on that and you get back into your post.  You can now edit, add etc to your original post and re-post it.  Hey presto!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018

  • sheilaFE yes ,he has owned it for maybe ten or more years. sir jim also ownes a VW mobile home  and one day he went to fill up at the garage at the bottom of glen coe and he..........................deary me i was sworn to secrecy . sorry when i pluck up courage i will tell you ...tomorrow when i get permission

  • Thanks for that Sheila, no doubt I will be using it soon :)

    Sunshine I will be going Glen Coe way, I have been there so many times and will look out for the house you are talking about. I still thought Jimmy Saville was living in Leeds, was it Roundhay Park but no doubt you will come back and say he never lived there as you know I do get things wrong :)  Yes Sunshine that Tiger is like a walking encyclopedia probably better. I need to do more reading!

    ChloeB I absolutely adore carrot cake, so might try to find that little craft shop.

    All quiet on the nest at the moment but listening keenly for wing flapping.

    Oh it works, spelt your name correctly now.  Did say it wouldn't be long!!! but even I have surpassed myself



  • oh what the heck. promise you folks wont tell anyone. the story goes ,,,,,,, he filled up his water tank for a trip ,then  filled his fuel tank but got them the wrong way round.. if you see what i mean