A new day and a special one for all Americans. HAPPY 4th July to the Americans on our forum.
However when Tore and Bynack ask "What is for breakfast today?" EJ is very likely to say "FISH".
Tiger Signature
scylla said: Just thinking! The seasons are opposite down under - maybe get to know some antipodean darlings ;)
Just thinking! The seasons are opposite down under - maybe get to know some antipodean darlings ;)
Scylla, I must learn not to take a sip of my drink when reading your posts! LOL It's happened too many times. I really should learn. OK, sequence from Saturday fish/intruder coming up.
AND re the number of fish, the Gems don't seem to have been ravenous very often, even though the fish are more-or-less the same size and the chicks are so much bigger :-/ Must be that they're no longer growing at a rate of knots.
Saturday, 2nd July. I missed Odin flying in but the time I put on this capture is 1242. EJ had taken the fish and was mantling over it (is that the right expression) but clearly there was an intruder in the sky:
1243 - one wary Mother, two obedient juves, one big fish:
The persistent intruder is interrupting lunch, EJ wasn't happy:
EJ VERY unhappy - now, you really wouldn't want to mess, would you:
1253 - that did the trick and feeding commenced:
Gosh that took me a while, I wrote everything in present tense as if it had just happened. Changed now to past tense!
I'm sure that "proper" writers use the present tense to increase tension, so it would have been very appropriate ;-D They are super pics and have been nicked!!! ;-D
FISH @ 2338hr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EJ flew in in anticipation, very quietly, and there was hardly a peep out of anyone as Odin delivered :o
Gosh, I was confused for a sec, Parent landed at "back of the nest" profile looked like Odin's ... but ? Then EJ lands nearer cam 2337:
EJ moved towards Odin ... was there a fish?
Yep, fish delivered at 2337!
I'm guessing if Scylla is still around then she will have posted the video already! But hey, FISH 8 at 2337!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There's a bit of a wait for the fish delivery - everyone's up waiting for it...
I got confused over identities too, Hazel :-/
Oh blimey, just goes to show how invaluable your videos are Scylla!! I can't watch and take captures at the same time so my second pic who I thought was EJ moving towards Odin was one of the Juves! Thank you Scylla. All is now clear. Well, I think as clear as it can be at this point in the day! So, 8 fish today!!
Going to start a new thread at Daily Update (LG nest) Tuesday, 5th July 2011