A new day and a special one for all Americans. HAPPY 4th July to the Americans on our forum.
However when Tore and Bynack ask "What is for breakfast today?" EJ is very likely to say "FISH".
Tiger Signature
FISH : 1943hr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Intruder!!!!!!!!!! EJ mantling over fish (if that's what it is) :o
I may have to correct that... again!
Think there must be an intruder as well as EJ is manteling and screaming (with a little help from Bynack)!!
.........but EJ starts alarm calling again
EJ isn't best pleased at something. Tore and Bynack are lying low, probably eager to get tore into the latest fish delivery.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
EJ continues alarm calling
Hi, Had just logged in so didn't realise intruder had been around for a while!. Have been looking through the great pics/posts etc for the day and they are brilliant as always.
Can hear Odin alarm-calling too, not very close by though.
EJ's waiting for the coast to clear before she starts on the fish (which someone will identify?).
I had to answer the phone and I see they are eating now.
Lovely video Scylla. EJ in good voice. I think I will enter EJ in the TV show. 'From popstar to Opera Star'
Tore happily feeding now but Bynack still hunkered down. He's still on the look-out for the intruder!!