A new day begins and fledging draws ever closer. Star reaches day 40 today and Storm 35
An idyllic scene on the nest with both chicks preening.
Tiger Signature
Well , I've got to go out in under an hour so i'll wish everone a good evening and look forward to pics , posts, and videos when I get back
You must be right Barbara - and it certaily makes sense that you saw EJ swallow the tail. She would !!
EDIT yes, I've had a closer look and you are right. It's one of Star's dark wing feathers.
Wow - think I just saw an osprey fly right over my house - so excited!!!! Sorry ... wrong thread!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
DjoanS said: Wow - think I just saw an osprey fly right over my house - so excited!!!! Sorry ... wrong thread!
No apology needed, Joan - how wonderful!!!
Oh, I'd be mega excited too JOAN !!
Joan, I would be thrilled to see an osprey fly over my house. I saw two in a previous house.
The osprey ... and I'm almost certain it was one ... was flying north ... presumably going to find somewhere to fish! Just wish my camera had been handy ... wouldn't have been a brilliant shot, but one for the record :-(((
FISH 18.36
EDIT - poor Odin nearly lost his foot that time ... EJ is snatching the fish so quickly!
Fish at 18.36
Joan - I would be over the moon if I seen an Osprey fly overhead, infact its my dream now that I have started following EJ & Family. I saw a Sea Eagle in May it flew right over us, I was too engrossed following the bird to even bother running for a camera. It was such a thrill.
I really feel sorry for Odin, me feels that all is not well in paradise and EJ has fallen out with Odin, probably over the fish incident, but he has done so well today bringing in so many fish, and she is having none of it, she has that look OK you brought it now get out and bring some more. I really do hope Odin is having a sneaky fish or two to himself.
EJ's Memorial Balgavies Loch Ospreys 2023