Weekly Chat, Sunday September 13, 2009

Happy Sunday folks!

  • Thanks Gary, so it´s good to have a finn here, ´couse there´s allways a wee bit elbow ruffin between sweeds and finns ;)

    And Alan, I`ve been "flying" with Mallachie and Rothes! It is soooo much fun, and sometimes scary too. I´m also following Roys ospreys. There is no satellitebird in Finland this year. Latest was Pete, who was lost in Morocco august 2008 during his spring migration from Senegal. Hopefully we get our own antennaosprey sometime again.

  • Welcome to auntie from Finland: the more the merrier we'll be!  Your English seems fine to me, better than some of the kids we have these days who can't even pass the time of day properly. (sorry, ranting...)

    ANNETTE:  Hope you're having mor e success with the tile problems. These things can make you tear your hair out!  We had a tribute to Mary Travers this morning on one of our main radio stations, so the populace were treated to me in the car singing "If I had a Hammer" at the top of my voice!! Can it really be all that time ago??  I've never even seen a hummingbird, how lovely to have them in the garden.

  • ps. Annette:   Saw your comment re the road signs in Ireland:  I was told that there was a special welcome to those from Germany, because apparently, a lot of them come over to fish in the many lakes there, also to play golf.  We loved the quirkiness of the signage, and found that sometimes they contradicted themselves a bit, but it all adds to the fun!

  • Morning all. And big welcome to Auntie (what a nice nom de blog, or whatever). And your Engish is very good indeed.

    Alan, just the name "International Rescue" brought a smile. I will have to check out Hamish in HIS car and see if it fits his persona.

    Teresa: Caerann is in Chicago, actually in Cook County, an area with a - um - colorful history thanks to the likes of Al Capone and, most recently, Governor Rob Bogoyevitch, who tried to sell President Obama's former seat in the Illinois legislature to the highest bidder. Caerann: Correct me if m memory is failing.

    Lindybird: Tile problem close to resolution; very brief update to follow later.  :-)

    Off to gym folks; back later.

  • Oh Lindybird: That's funny re the German road signs - I thought it was because they were especially bad drivers!

  • Hi, Annette.  It's not only here on the island of Ireland that there are signs about driving on the left.  Most filling stations, picnic areas etc. beside roads in 'tourist' areas of Scotland have signs saying 'Links fahren', 'Conduisez a gauche' and the Italian equivalent, which I can't remember!  I think it's because in the British Isles we drive on what, for many tourists, is the wrong side! Lol

  • A big thank you to all in this "family". You made a newbie comfortable here. You truly are a warm community!

    About the driving on the wrong side. I had some difficulties even walking in UK, when I visited there years ago :)

    Oh, when does that update come!!!!

  • Hullo Teresa! Toronto? Washington? I had to re-read to make sure you were in the U.K. and not the U.S.  =O)

    Actually Chicago is in Cook County but since Illinois and Chicago-area politics can be ever so corrupt, I used crook as a play on words. I imagine news of our former governor, Rod Blagojevich, who was impeached last spring was written up in the papers there. He has a book out now, to follow up his media tour that he took before being kicked out of office and his wife was on some reality TV show over the summer.

    No wonder I like birds so much!   =O)


  • Good Morning or Afternoon Everyone! It's a beautiful summer-like day here in Chicago with temps in the 70s farenheit or 20s C, sunny, with lots and lots of cicadas singing their little gills off. Makes me hate to think of winter coming.........so I won't.   =O)

    Welcome to Auntie, I'm new here too so don't be shy.

    Who here is from Sweden? My grandmother and her family are originally from Malmo.   =O)

    Annette: You are correct, Blaogjevich is accused of selling Obama's senate seat but it's not been proven yet. He maintains his innocence and he might be to an extent, time will tell on that. I think what really happened is that he pissed off the wrong people in government and they've railroaded him out, but again time will tell. I'm not saying he never did anything wrong, but it just doesn't all add up to him being the only bad guy is what I mean.

    Allan: You have the cutest pooch that I am going to dognap one day if I can ever find him!   =O)

    Gary:  Bald Eagles are very cool, I must agree.

    I hope I got to everyone on this message. If not, I'll be back.   =O)


    Chicago, Cook County, Illinois