Hi everyone :-)
Thanks for all the brilliant updates, observations, pics, links etc. on yestarday's thread. Wonderful to see how quickly Star and Storm are growing. Thankfully the wind has subsided and I hope it stops bothering the LG Ospreys for the rest of the season.
EJ's awake at the moment, enjoying a good preen.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
See Star in the foreground? S/he's copying mum, tidying sticks!
Oh blimey, s/he's disappeared from view :o
OK, I can see a stick moving even if I can't see Star, that's a relief. I just hope s/he doesn't go too near the edge!!!
Every now and then I see the top of a head bobble into view, what's s/he up to?
Now I'm worried about Storm, who's in a heap seemingly unable to get up. Just being a sleepyhead, probably - one must worry about something on such a lovely morning ;)
Later... Star* seems to be playing with a pan-scrubby bunch of... pan-scrubby stuff and doing a lot of clucking :-/ Unless that's EJ clucking over Storm*, who still hasn't got up :'( :'( :'(
*I had reversed the names there - somehow "Storm" seems to fit Star's temperament better ;)
Here's the group - Star so lively, Storm so lethargic, keeps trying to get up but not lasting long.
Scylla, I don't think there is nothing wrong with Storm. S/he just is so many days younger than Star thus needs more sleep. And Storm has been up and about just a while ago :)
my photos in flickr
Aww, thank you Auntie x But Storm has mouth open, panting, and hasn't done anything yet except creep around and threaten Star half-heartedly ;)
Good morning everyone :) a lovely day at LG at loooooooog last
thanks for the start off Heron and infrared photos -
Auntie hello to you too and your captures - great one of the shooting star (double pun there :) ) Nice one of Odin arriving Auntie and Heron
Hello there Barbara- good one of breakfast preparation
You've definitely got the hang of it now Annette -EJ looks gorgeous bathed in sunlight.
Hello to Scylla - nice portrait of the family. In case you don't know the 'panting' is to lose heat - chick feels too warm. OK
In fact a good bunch of pics all round - snoozy chicks and a preening EJ at the moment
Ospreys don't sweat like us but cool their bodies by keeping their mouths open/panting (like dogs). I think - I'm sure someone who has more knowledge can explain it better or correct if I'm wrong. EJ is now acting as a parasol for the chicks, she is so seasoned parent that I trust her to do everything that is best for the young ones :))) (sorry if my explanation is messy - English isn't my native language)
You write in English excellently Auntie !
Oh yes I do know what birds' (and other animals') panting is for - I just didn't think Storm had any excuse for it, especially given Star's long burst of activity with no such symptoms. You know I like to share my panics, all your reactions are very reassuring ;)
I'm uploading a video clip to YouTube, first ever, it's going to take about 12 hours apparently ;-D 381mb :-/ I wonder if I'm being throttled upwards as well as downwards.
Morning all ... thanks for great pics and reports! EJ preening in the sunshine, both chicks itching/scratching too!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Morning All. Thanks for all your earlier reports and captures. #1 staying in the shade of EJ but #2 seems to like the sun on it's back.
Hello to you Diane and Brenda
Isn't it good to have it sunny and calm at LG?