Hi everyone :-)
Thanks for all the brilliant updates, observations, pics, links etc. on yestarday's thread. Wonderful to see how quickly Star and Storm are growing. Thankfully the wind has subsided and I hope it stops bothering the LG Ospreys for the rest of the season.
EJ's awake at the moment, enjoying a good preen.
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
EJ flies off for a quick break, then returns.
Mr Cukoo certainly has a lot to say for himself :-)
Getting very light at LG.
Good morning Paul :) I love the early morning serenity here, no rumble in the jungle yet
my photos in flickr
Day cam on.
Good morning auntie :-) It's lovely and peaceful at LG in the early morning. Its wonderful to hear the dawn chorus.
#1 woke up, had a toilet break and then back to sleep
Breakfast is served :-)
The breakfast line up . They didn't finish the fish so there is plenty for Odin. Both were full. Storm ate like it had not eaten in days
Formerly known as Barbara Jean