Technical Test Thread

I have decided to start this thread for discussing technical issues that come up rather than messing up the other threads.

I guess the first issue seems to be pasting Word text into posting boxes.

Recently we have had three threads lockup up as a result of posts involving Word text.

  • Not a great deal but for a netbook it is about average. My oldest desktop only has 2GB but it functions fine. Depends on how much software you want to run at the same time. The more RAM you have the more programmes you can run simultaneously. If you have insufficient RAM things start to slow down so obviously, the more the better :)

    My laptops have 4GB and newest desktop has 4GB but can go up to 16GB. All depends on how much the motherboard can take.

  • Starling said:

    You will think I am really stupid, but I don't know what that means.  I click on explorer every time I need a new window, so I can have 2 cams and the forum. Don't usually have any problems with that, but today, I am. I'm going to try shutting down and restarting, maybe do a bit of a cleanup.

    Thank you Tiger.

    That sounds like a good plan.

    Tabbed browsing is where you open more and more windows by clicking the little square at the top of the browser. You can have many windows open at once.

  • I shall not be adding anything extra to what I have, thankfully, Chloe as I have everything plus on my PC with server (ouch) platform.  My net book is just to watch nestS in the warm and take a picture or video. I don't even have Outlook or Outlook express or Thunderbird or what ever . Don't have Office of any sort , just a small program I can type words in if I wish.

    Think I'll check on  my PC ram now. Have not done that for a time

  • Hi Cirrus, sorry you are having problems. I hope you can get sorted soon.

    I've just posted some pictures in the Osprey chat thread which I hope you like.
