Technical Test Thread

I have decided to start this thread for discussing technical issues that come up rather than messing up the other threads.

I guess the first issue seems to be pasting Word text into posting boxes.

Recently we have had three threads lockup up as a result of posts involving Word text.

  • I see your point Tiger but my intention was (at this point anyway) to link to the latest page ... and it worked ... you did it!! You taught a total 'AWOL' brain at this point in the day!

  • Oh and teaching is not about doing something. It is about thinking about how someone else is trying to do something and then working out why they are having difficulty and solving that difficulty. That is why teaching is ten times harder than doing it yourself.

  • Hazel B said:

    I see your point Tiger but my intention was (at this point anyway) to link to the latest page ... and it worked ... you did it!! You taught a total 'AWOL' brain at this point in the day!

    Anyone can do it. It is about learning to persist.

  • Tiger :)  your patience is soooooo appreciated.  Now I don't have to ask others to post links, it properly frustrated me this morning.  I don't know what your main subject is, Tiger, but I think your teaching skills are the best I've come across.  Considering I was actually intimitated by you weeks ago (please don't take that in the wrong way) I think you are a very thoughtful, very patient, tutor.

  • Hazel B said:

    Tiger :)  your patience is soooooo appreciated.  Now I don't have to ask others to post links, it properly frustrated me this morning.  I don't know what your main subject is, Tiger, but I think your teaching skills are the best I've come across.  Considering I was actually intimitated by you weeks ago (please don't take that in the wrong way) I think you are a very thoughtful, very patient, tutor.

    I had an amazing experience back in the autum of 2005. There was this woman who was a member of one of my forums. She got so frustrated at how to do a signature that that she left. Anyway next day she came back and then somehow had managed her signature (I do not know how). From there she went from strenght to strenght and became an assistant moderator on a book forum. She is now on Facebook.

    She is in a wheel chair. She said it transformed her life. She said "My life was so small and now it is so large". Truly an amazing turn around.  It all hinged on how to do a signature.

  • Tiger, that is a true inspirational story, one which I can kind of relate to, albeit not directly.  People can 'hark on' you need to/you musn't/you should/you should not have but, with all the best intentions in the world sometimes it can do more harm than good.  No-one will be ready for change until, well, they are ready.  The sad thing is, in later years, when the mist has cleared, people can look back and see the best intentions of the friends they have lost.  

    ;) Tiger you are a stair.  Sorry if I went on a bit,.  I would  never have dared to go off topic this much on the daily thread but who am I kidding, anyone can read this!!

  • I have just been reading Tiger's tutoring of Hazel, and its funny how we both didnt get it first time but our problems were different from each other, I had to right click to get the box to come up and Hazels was something altogether different, but Tiger didnt give up on us Hazel and now we have achieved something today, what more could we want than ending a day with having learned to do something that we didnt know how to do yesterday.

    Nice story Tiger about the lady and the signature, and thanks again for your tutoring and your answers to any questions I have asked in the past.  


  • Hazel B said:
    ;) Tiger you are a stair

    Oh blimey!  Highligting my typo myself, I meant "Tiger you are a STAR" !!

  • Hazel and Mary   It will be good that two people go to bed having overcome a problem they were having difficulty.

    As to the sujects I teach? Well Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and computing.

    mind you I am probably more interested in human psychology than anything else.

  • I think being able to teach and convey how to do something requires the patience of joab, I think its a vocation in itself.  So hats off to you Tiger...

    I never had the patience to do that when I worked, the guys I worked with said my favourite saying was "how many times do I have to tell you" !!!