Weekly Chat page, Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community.

Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!

  • What rain everyone has had! 2 or 3 days of it almost non-stop for some. My thoughts go out to you who are now flooded out and praying for it to stop. What a good job the birds all flew before this started, at least they are on their way and are wearing their waterproofs!

  • CAROL:  Love your Bird of Peace! - very appropriate.

  • Flooding sounds really bad in Elgin and Fochabers. River Lossie and River Spey have overflowed. Homes evacuated in both towns. I was on holiday near Elgin last year and I know both places quite well.

    We are very lucky here in Huntingdonshire with very little rain and although it is a bit nippy this morning it is sunny at the moment.

  • Unknown said:

    Flooding sounds really bad in Elgin and Fochabers. River Lossie and River Spey have overflowed. Homes evacuated in both towns. I was on holiday near Elgin last year and I know both places quite well.

    We are very lucky here in Huntingdonshire with very little rain and although it is a bit nippy this morning it is sunny at the moment.

    Alan, I think the rain will reach you soon enough. Down to Sue in Yorkshire now

    The only source of knowledge is experience. Albert Einstein

  • Lindybird I do feel lucky and honoured to have seen a female sparrowhawk in my garden quite a few times over the past  3 years we have lived here.  Last summer she brought her young one in to try and teach it what it had to do to feed itself.  He/she just stood on the lawn looking very bemused but what a delght to see them so close up.  I keep looking up in the sky at the moment in the rare hope I might see and osprey on migration because I live very near to Christchurch Harbour and they see quite a few migrating osprey.

    Sorry you have not been well this year.  I am full of praise for them having had a  lot of contact with hospitals since March of this year and it is such a shame they get the bad press that they do.

    As you say we have seen a lot of wonderful things including the blubby videos, poems pictures and the company of like minded people amongst them and we all have wonderful memories of this fantastic family.  I will be looking at all the videos on and off and just know I will blub everytime I do.  BidRab74 set them to fantastic music and the captions were priceless.  Hope he is around to do the same next year. 

    I do hope Mallachie has avoided the worst of the weather and I am really looking forward to the next update to see where she has got to.  Rothes seems to like it where she so much so she is loathe to move on but someone said it was getting colder out there so it might make her move on.  Like many people I wonder where gorgeous Garten is.  I was looking at some of her pictures yesterday and she really is a stunner but then they all were I just love them to bits.  Have a good day and lets hope for better health.


  • Carol I too like your bird of peace just what is needed.


  • I've not had a lot of spare time this week to write much but I rarely say much anyway.  I run 2 chat rooms on other sites so am kept busy there although not many chat now.  Before EJ came back I did suggest that I open one for us bloggers but was told that there was Facebook so dropped the idea.  I didn't know about Facebook.

    Things on the blog seemed to be going ok until RSPB started this Comunity but then a lot of people became confused and some very confused.  There wasn't an obvious leader as we are all equal on here but a few tried to 'take control' as always happens.  I watched and knew trouble was brewing but was helpless. 

    Then, Normsky posted his message and locked it.  This caused a lot of consternation and bad feeling - hopefully subsided now.  I reported it as abuse as we were all powerless to stop it going on and on and on.  I did say they could use my name if they wanted but they didn't.   I just hope I didn't get Richard in trouble.  Maybe others reported it as well. 

    Use whatever talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sing the best.
    - Henry Van ***

  • What an awful waste of a wonderful website and blog page for all this daft and silly nonsense to carry on.  It's like being back at school or in my last workplace - horrendous.  All very petty especially from grown-ups!  Now I've said my thoughts ! x

  • Lesley, I'm with you on that one!  I read the comments on the Forums in General site and felt very saddened at what I read.  I found it hard to believe that, as you say, 'grown ups' could be behaving like this.  I felt it was all quite unnecessary, but it takes all sorts to make a world.  I was therefore relieved to come onto this page and find the usual friendly banter, but then I spotted it had crept onto here too!  I wholeheartedly agree with Annette when she says let's ignore all the bad stuff and it will go away without an audience (though I am of course conscious that I have now brought it back up - sorry!).  For me, I come on here at the end of what is often a very stressful day to chill out and enjoy the thing that I probably love most in the world (excepting my family of course) my birds!  I love all the news, the chat, the weather reports, the poetry, it just helps me to relax at the end of a long day and I've learnt so much.  I don't often 'blog' myself, but I do always read everything, even if it takes couple of days!  I do not want to come on here and be irritated and stressed out by what I consider other people's petty squabbles - this is not the place for them.  So please everyone, let's have a bit of peace and harmony and remember what we are all here for.  Now I've put in my two pence worth I'll get off my soapbox and say no more on the matter.

  • Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4

    Happily it’s all over now girls. Sigh of relief.


    The weather  down here and the south over the next  three, four days looks very reasonable

    Fine, light  winds and tempreatures around 19 or 20 C.


    Winds on Sat from  W   Winds on Sunday from SSW   Winds on Monday from SW


    This for Bournemouth    Brighton    Poole  areas


    So, a really good opportunity for Mallachie to have a  good Channel crossing. No east winds, thankfully, that could scoot her out over the north Altantic.  I am so relieved but so looking forward to satellite intel to say a safe crossing has been achieved. So wish they didn't have to cross the Sahara.