Weekly Chat page, Tuesday, September 1, 2009

OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community.

Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!

  • I have just discovered that BigRab is a teacher at the school I used to go to as a child. Small world is it not?

  • So this is the one we chat in is that correct.?  And if we have a comment regarding Ospreys we go to the diary page from now on?

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • birdnuts said:

    Has anyone else tried to watch Pete's pond today?  Deprived of live ospreys I checked in but am pretty sure it was the same clip of zebras I saw yesterday.  Is the webcam down and they're running recordings instead?

    This is from Pete's pond Facebook site

    National Geographic Crittercam and WildCam Bad news pondies, the sending pc is down. We probably have a virus or two and can't do any work with it anymore. I called Cameron and in half an hour I will know whether he will come here or I go to South Africa to get the pc fixed. For now you&...#039;ll have to watch the rerun. Sorry about this, but we are working on it :o) Afke@Pete's PondRead more

    The only source of knowledge is experience. Albert Einstein

  • It's very odd but obvious that 5 beaurtiful birds tied evrybody together and now we have lost SIGHT of them mayhem ensues.  SOOOO  sad.  I know some beautiful well behaved fun loving children who behave better than some adults>


    It's not in my nature to be so serious but this is totally ridiculous and uncalled for.  Shame

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Hi Annette-just written several comments under Richards two Wednesday 2nd comments, please read them. Now I have to learn how to do this as well booooooooooooo.

    Back to work Thursday after 6 1/2 weeks off to run my playgroup. Blowing a gale here and raining hard, good start to the new Autumn term.

    Unknown said:

    OK, let's see how this goes. Maybe use this page for general chat, which can include ospreys, but also non-osprey related chatter? It also doesn't have to be Daily, but time will tell. It may not take shape until after the Diary goes away.

    As Carol noted, Tiger set up the "Tracking Rothes and Mallachie" page, which might be the best place for serious observations about our girls and their progress. There's also a "Tracking Other UK Ospreys" page .

    In the meantime, we can twitter on about ospreys, dogs, guinea pigs, kids, vacations, etc., - and post poems - here without boring the "osprey only" members of the community.

    Feel free to boo loudly and make suggestions if you see any problems. Thanks everyone!



  • Hi everyone.  This is a brilliant idea having a place to chat but what a job I've had finding it.   My lack  of co-ordination is probably down to me being one of the "non intellectuals"  LOL  ....   sorry couldn't resist.  

    This is my first post in the group forums so hopefully it will  publish OK.  Off to explore,  catch up later. 


  • Help,  why are the Edit and Delete buttons showing on my post?  Can anyone advise me what I am doing wrong? 

  • Karen

    You haven't done anything wrong

    Edit enables you to amend one of your own posts if you have "second thoughts", or want to add something

    Delete removes it completely.

    I'm not sure if these options exist indefinitely or just for a limited period of time, though.  

  • Hi Annette, seems like a good idea to have started this page..... always assuming I can work out how to add to it. I have just hit reply to your first letter. Hope thats right. Is there a better way to add a comment?

    So far , having read all the entries, it seems to come up as 4 different pages so that takes a time to get to the latest entry... or is it just me?

    Most replies seem in favour of your initiative so lets keep Richard happy and chat amongst ourselves. Sad that all went well until the big girls flew off, mind you , now we have to talk about something else don't we.

    There was an amazing thunderstorm here in Switz last night, lost the TV signal altho still had power so I had to do the ironing (loud scream of horror), torrential rain most of the day today too. I wish I could send some of the rain to help with those fires around LA. It must be terrifying.

    Well lets see if this works,

    Bye for now


  • Yikes, that was quick and have just seen Karens comment that came in while I was typing mine.

    Someone should have thought of the edit and delete buttons on the original osprey blog... no'one would have been upset then!!