Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Shiela FE wrote -Lynette how did your son's girlfriend do in the marathon.  I looks/sounds as though the heat might have been a problem.  Whatever happened I bet you and your son are as proud as punch!

    Shiela, it wasn't my son it was Lindybirds son who  ran in the marathon.

    Just caught up with all your various newsy bits and bobs, too many to reply to all but thanks for them.

    Annette - how conincidental that of the two women who had broken down one lived not very far from you, what a kind person you ar to take them home.

    Had a lovely day with some old friends of my husband's who live in Nottingham. They gave us lunch and then we went to see the local Methodist chapel, of which they are very involve with, to see the refurbishment. It was quite costly and the membership is mostly of elderly people but over a few years they raised a phenomenal amount of money - together with grants etc - to have it refurbished. Looks light, airy, and very inviting.   Then went down to the local country park for a short walk then back for a cuppa before setting off home. Tried to get hold of dau to say we were running late and couldn't get her even though we knew she should be home. Eventually OH suggested I try to get her on her moblile, got through and poor dear had been involved in a traffic accident.  She sounded very shaken when I spoke to her so said we would pick her up. Fortunately whilst talking the breakdown people came to tow her car away and the police said they would bring her home - wonderful of them.   She is now home and still feeling shaken and has hurt her shoulder area but apart from what sounds like bruising she is otherwise unhurt.

    We just have the task now of ferrying her to the breakdown people to find out what is happening next, that is after she has rung her insurance company for advice on what to do next.

    Its all happening folks.

  • Gary - how cute is TT - lovely pics

    Margobird - glad Billie has settled and come to trust you. You will be able to have quality time with him now.

  • Hi gary as requested some pics of new puppy ive called her Bobbie



  • Hazel b said:

    Then the Bald Eagle Quiz and  The peregrine quiz.

    Glad you liked these Sheila.

    Hi Tiger,

    Thanks for the quiz links, must be fun for the kids coming to the site (like us LOL) The peregrine quiz was easy, but I had to do some research for the Bald Eagle one!

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein

  • Unknown said:

    Then the Bald Eagle Quiz and  The peregrine quiz.

    Glad you liked these Sheila.

    Hi Tiger,

    Thanks for the quiz links, must be fun for the kids coming to the site (like us LOL) The peregrine quiz was easy, but I had to do some research for the Bald Eagle one!


    I am glad you enjoyed it. Mind you there is two ways to look at it, either a quiz or doing a jigsaw.

  • Thanks Lynette

    Alicat, awwwwwww, Love Bobbie. She is so cute. Thanks for the photo's. I hope that's helped a tiny bit, filling the hole.

  • Evening all: Three whales today, including one calf. Just in from book club and quick catch up.

    Wendy: Bet we'll see some fab LG pix from OG.

    Lindybird: Poor girlfriend - a 6 hou marathons!? I bet she'll be sore for another few days, but brilliant that she raised so much money. I love rhubarb!

    Margobird: Hope Billie didn't freak out with the flea treatment.

    Sheila/Brenda: Re taxes, here, they tell us that if the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) sends a letter saying you owe such-and-such an amount, never to pay it without questioning it since they typically will adjust it downward.

    Gary: Ms. Toffee is still very cute.

    Lynette: Oh dear - whenever I see a car accident I think about how distressed those involved must feel - ruined outings, etc.. Your daughter may feel more achy tomorrow since you often get banged around and not feel it at the moment. Hope all gets settled soon.

    Thanks all for chat and pix. Have a good Tuesday all.

  • Once upon a time we had a female blue-tongue lizard living in our backyard . . . and then there were more . . . or at least one more. Near sunset OH called me to see what was hiding behind our wheelie bin. Of course I rushed to fetch camera. There trying to hide was this 15 cm (6 inch) baby who objected to my camera flash with flashing tongue (I missed most of it) and s/he blew itself up to look aggressive. It walked back and forth along the gate and then tried to climb up before we left it in peace.

    This morn it had disappeared, hopefully to find a better habitat than concrete path. Apparently the mating season is Sept to Nov. The females stay at home but the males wander over an area of 15 house blocks (and they have several females). The 6-20 babies are born 3-5 months later. Now it was last October that our grand-cat disturbed what we thought was Lizarda da Vinci who came inside. Perhaps it was Dad? And the neighbour who saw something a few days later. Perhaps again that was Dad?
    I found this birth on You Tube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGjO3SARTHM

    Painting update and Sunday trip later.

  • Morning, Everyone:  Nice to come on and find lots of pictures of puppies, and lizards, too!  Bright and sunny here - it was a lovely day yesterday, just like a June day and there is no sign of rain yet.  My yellow Tree Peony is starting to bloom, which seems to me to be about a month too early!

    Here are some pics of my holiday, I will try to answer some of your posts later on this morning:


    --this is from a Viewpoint which is a favourite of ours, the mountains here are very bare but I love the way each one is a diffrent colour, leading down to the sea.  To give an idea of size, if I stood in this valley wearing a bright colour, you would still have to squint to pick me out! - or have some good binocs!


    -- and this is the view from the other side of the road we have stopped on, looking inland of course. I always think that the folds look like the ones in a duvet!

  • Hello everyone - can't stop now (super pics though Lindy) just to say I posted briefly  on the main Blog very briefly  .....  ''anyone else lost sound from the vid cam '' .. and here is Richard's response


    Thanks Cirrus. Yes, we might have lost the sound - rodent-chewed cable, we think. Will sort, both if and when we can. Cirrus your the first, and thank you, but I would ask please that we do not now get a shed-load of comments telling us that the sound is down and asking when we will fix it.  Thank you.  Richard