Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Afternoon all,

    Linda : Thanks for the monday smiles.

    Annette : Sorry to hear you have an ear infection. I hope it is better soon.

    Wendy : I remember the picture of the bridge in winter as we had a discussion about whether it was the same bridge as the one I took a photo from.

    Thanks to everyone else for the chat etc.

    I had a real battle with HMRC last year trying to sort out my tax code. Eventually they gave me a code of 666 if you remember. Fortunately that changed on 5th April so I no longer have the devils Tax code.

    Another beautiful sunny morning so I did some more shed painting. Hamish came out to inspect the work and dragged out his blanket to make the supervision more comfortable. I hoped to get all the outside painting finished today but I keep seeing other bits that need doing. Lets hope the dry weather keeps up for a few more days. 

  • Hi Diane it is strange isn't it, all my retired friends think so to. They mus tthink we have a secret hoard of money stashed away somewhere.  Will mention you would like OH to do yours for you next time, I am sure he would like to come to Indiana.  Hope the 6 days of storms that you mentioned are not too severe.  Shame aouut the change which means you cannot claim for more efficient furnace.


  • Oh Diane, I would have had a good swear, too.  How annoying for you.

    I've just come on to say that my Son's Girlfriend managed to finish the marathon yesterday - in 6 hours.  Poor girl is so very sore and aching today!  She has raised over 1, 300 pounds for Cancer Research, so Well Done her.  Luckily she has booked a couple of days off work before she has to stagger back in again.

    i'm off now to take my Friend a big bunch of fresh rhubarb from the allotment to cheer her up - makes a change from flowers!

  • Lindybird well done to son's girfriend and what a great charity to support.  I am sure she will appreciate her 2 days off to recover can just imagine how sore and aching she must feel. 


  • I reaaly can't get over what an affectionate little cat Billie is.  I share her with the ospreys at the moment because she just loves being stroked while we have a conversation.  Even if I can't see her I only have to miaow and she appears.  She adores this weather and finds various places to sun bathe for as long as she can.  Going to be fun tonight when OH and I try to give her flea treatment and hopefully get a collar and name tag on.


  • Afternoon everyone: A nice sunny day up here on Speyside. Met up with OG and OH at Revack....good coffee but even better company. Left them to have a very very late lunch before they went on to LG. They seem to be really enjoying their time away and catching up with daughter and son.It is nice to put faces to names and I now know why she takes such amazing photos...she has one amazing camera.

    Margo: A girl and a change of name and yes my cats always loved to sunbathe. Must admit I never put a collar on any of my cats as my friend in Devon had Siamese cats with collars and one of hers Caspar failed to come home once. Not a good outcome as it had been caught up on a fence.

    Alan: Tax code 666...reminds me of when I was at the bank selling currency and before the Euro. I guy flying that night wanted German currency and it equated to 666 German Marks....I changed it to slightly more as I did not want to the cause of a plane crash that evening. He popped in the bank a few days later to let me know all was well.

    Nice walk by the river this afternoon with the Oyster Catchers being in full voice along with a rowdy pair of Lapwings.

  • Brenda H Margo Diane  I too have had a tax bill for 2007-2009 - £2000.  Nothing has changed in that time.  I believe it is the tax folk who have boobed, and have said so.  I guess in the bigger scheme of things I am due to pay it, but I want them to sweat!  They have given or used a wrong tax code, or put personal allowances on more than one pension.  It is so tiresome, and moreover a not insignificant sum.

    Lovely spring shot of the Spey Wendy.  Hope you and OG had a good day.

    Edit:  I see you did have a lovely time Wendy.  I really don't know whether it's my computer or the site, but it is really is so frustrating today.  The post I have just sent (above my edit) is still sitting on my computer connecting.  When I opened a new tab for this Weekly Chat my message has got thru.  What on earth is going on??!!

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  • Wendy, Glad your 'meet up' with OG was so enjoyable. I am so jealous of her visit to LG today.

    Lynette, Hope you sort out your tax problems. My OH has spent a long time on the phone this afternoon over our daughter's demand. He seems to have made a breakthrough and has e-mailed piles of papers to them. We now wait and see. Agreement on the phone doesn't mean sucess until they put it in print.

    HW is now up to date again and I have just cut the grass again, so looking forward to my dinner and some time to relax.

  • evening all:)

    Sorry I don't get over here much at the moment:( Just had a quick skim to see what's going on and everyone is as busy as always.

    Hope everyone's doing oK.

    Trish asked about TT. She is doing great. She has been replaced with a large dog now!!! Last night of puppy classes tonight.  As requested, here are some recent photo's of her-

  • In the one above, she was a little tired!