Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Dibnlib what a wonderful treat to see all those dolphins.  Thanks for the tip on the turning tides.  You must have some very fat mice in your garage!

    OH out walking Mia at the mo, down by the river where it should be a little cooler for her.  I've been vacuuming but it's far too hot for it and I feel like I'm melting!  Just had to give my face a good wash in cold water.  I'm hopeless, I don't do too well in the heat.


  • You Tube video on Lily's page from 22nd April well worth a look.  Faith's so cute.

  • Hello.  Gosh isn't it hot.  I'm not prepared for proper responses, but felt I had to say "Wow"  to dibnlib.  What a fantastic sight and a hugely memorable experience for you.  I am not sure that our numbers were like yours, but two years ago returning from Poolewe, when were to stop with our friends near Kinross en route down south, we decided to let them get back to their house and sorted so drove out to Chanonry Point.  The tide was inward, and after sitting around for over an hour and the numbers of folk increased, so the dolphin appeared.  It was amazing as you say, and so close to shore.  I feel for OG though.  Sadly that is the way with wildlife!  Totally unpredictable, which makes it every more precious when you do see anything like that.  Did you have a camera?  I think I only got one decent photo out of many I took with my rather unsophisticated camera.

    Oh, Annette, very many but belated anniversary greetings.  So glad you had a lovely meal out together.  A difficult decision for your daughter.

    auntie you caught some beautiful shots of your osprey on the webcam.  So very clear.

    I was glad to hear that Buzz appears to be feeling better, but sorry to hear that Hamish is limping.

    Hope you have a good time with Ken Dodd Margo

    I decided to refill my less than quarter full water butt - it is a former sherry barrel.  It's not very sensible to do that really, as our water is of course very alkaline, and I like to water my camellia from the butt.  When it was over half full I realised the wood had shrunk so much the water was pouring out of the gaps.  OH tried to hammer the metal rings down a bit, but we just let it leak out.  Today the wood appears to have swollen again, and is only leaking a wee bit.  I have already had to top up the pond.  I discovered a duck nest just three foot from the door last week, with about six broken eggs and two complete ones.  I was surprised we hadn't noticed it before!  My initial thought was that the stoat, fox, crow might have predated the nest.  But on reflection the eggs were neatly broken rather than smashed and I wondered whether eggs hatched and mum realised the last two were not viable, or perhaps the family was spooked by something and decided it was time to leave.

    We had fun and games this morning.  OH ordered a smart phone, due to be delivered last Thursday.  Apart from the chiropractor appointment I was around for most of the day, and no note was left through the letter box to say they had called.  In the evening OH checked the parcel check on the web site for the item.  The delivery man had not been able to find our house!  What?  Granted all the houses in our lane (a Y-shaped lane with each of the top bits of the Y being dead ends - five houses in all) have the same post code.  Well, try to get in contact with DHL. Lots of inputting of numbers for this service or that, and to get to speak to someone about a non-delivered parcel you need the 4 digit number on the card the delivery man left...  Oh yes, what happens if they haven't found your house to deliver the parcel in the first place.  It is almost impossible.  Eventually, after holding on for 15 minutes (ouch, my phone bill) someone responded when OH made up a four digit number.  We headed to Cambourne (west of Cambridge), well it wasn't Cambourne it was Papworth Everard.  'Oh, sorry sir, it won't be here, it will be at Bar Hill (north of Cambridge).  So off we went again.  There was no receptionist so OH went in a side door - I'm always surprised he is so calm..  There was no explanation, merely a question.  Did we live in a new estate?  No.  Oh, our man has been with us for 5 years....  No apology, nothing.  I rather wonder what would have happened to the parcel had we not chased it.  Interestingly at both of these depots there were a person seeking parcels which hadn't been delivered - and one woman was told she could have a weekend delivery for an extra £25.  Daft thing is that we get folk coming to our house on a regular basis for any of the other houses in the lane!  Including a lorry with 28 half ton bags of fertilizer, which had to back down our track and ended up with three wheels in mid-air over the ditch!  Our farmer wasn't a happy bunny when we asked him to help, particularly as the fertilizer was not his.

    We are having lamb kebabs and salad this evening.  I was going to do a butterfly of leg of lamb tomorrow with friends, but they are now seeing a parent for lunch, so they are coming over later for a lighter meal after either a game of croquet or petanque.  How nice to have good weather for a holiday period.



    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Unknown said:

    Ross Co 0 Dundee 1. 1 defeat in 27 league games and now safe from relegation despite the 25 point deduction.

    Congratulations Alan.  Here's to an exciting and successful 2011-2012 season!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Afternoon all

    Just watching TT chew a toy she got off a spare bed. She's very pleased with herself.

    Shelia, sorry about the run around. Did you get the phone? what's it like? I can't like without my blackberry:)

    Alan, that is a great achievement for Dundee.

    Annette, sorry to read about your daughter and Miss Molly. Sure it was hard.

    Thanks for everyone else's news:)

  • Gary Phones.  Well all I can say is it is an HTC Desire S, and OH can make it talk to his GPS, a priority!  My phone would probably talk to the internet if I paid for it, but I only really use it to communicate with friends when meeting in, say, London.  Or if the car breaks down.  As with our internet connection, mobile phone links are poor - and yet, as I have said before, I don't live in the real back of beyond.  We have a booster on our TV booster, or did until we went digital - just.  I'm not sure whether it (going digital) makes much difference other than having extra gizmos attached to the TV (rather than buying a new one!).  I meant to say how much Toffee (or should I really call her TT?) has grown.  She is still very pretty though!  Have I gathered you are visiting the UK this year?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • I have just looked at the Norfolk webcam for the first time in ages.  My goodness, how the bobbleheads have grown!!!

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Shelia, OK on the phones. Don't know that one but sounds very swish!  Sorry about the poor connections where you are. Are you in a dip?Not sure about the digital thing I'm afraid. I get my picture through a cable box! lol

    Toffee is growing and you can call her what you like:) She answers to anything. She seems to grow everyday. She can now see all the things out of reach! lol

    I am visiting the UK this year:) We are having a get together of some from the FB side. I;ve been meaning to say for a while that it's not a closed group or meet so it would be wonderful to see whoever can/wants to make it. It's the Wednesday 3rd Aug. In the afternoon at the center, after lunch at a hotel somewhere. Then a few of us are doing a boat trip on the Thursday. OH and I had planned to make a proper holiday out of it, do Mull and Sky first then on to LG. But work commitments mean she can;t take off the time required. So I'm coming back for a week, seeing family for a few days, then flying to LG for a couple of days, then home.

  • Gary I second your thoughts on the meet at LG on 3rd of August and have mentioned it to others on this thread already. It should be good as I am looking forward to putting names to faces. I am not normally that outgoing but I have had some really nice mini meets with super people from this thread and from FB. Lunch is organised and will be in G on S and should be a noisey but friendly get together. Just let Gary ( or even me) know if you would like to join us for lunch and we can pencil you in.

    Decorating nearly done.. 3 rooms in one and if it lives in the cottage it is now outside and being cleaned or if wood furniture fed with oil...what a difference that has made. So should be finished tomorrow then a day in the garden and a day to do whatever the weather dictates.

    Dibnlib: Maybe a trip Dolphin watching and the times we have seen them is as the tide changes and I gather it stirs the fish for them......What a total waste of good coffee.

    Weather rubbish today cold and wet 12 here and daughter in Dorset says its 24 and all the camp stes and roads are full.

    Happy Easter to you all. 

  • Ironing two thirds done.  Afternoon was quite wet but I got vegs (Tomatoes, Peppers and Cucumbers) all into bigger pots – got wet moving between house, shed and greenhouse, but it wasn’t cold.  Unpacked holiday folder this evening and now looking at daily plans for a short trip into Galloway next month to visit gardens – so hoping for our usual good weather.


    Dibnlib – sorry about the coffee incident.  I hope there was no sugar in it – that makes it much worse!  I hope the Mice realise they are unwanted in the garage – which species were they?  We have occasionally had little Woodmice and they always get a car-ride into the country in hope they won’t find the way home!  Don’t feel bad about the Dolphins – I am just glad for you, it sounds absolutely wonderful (any photos?) and I’m sure my turn will come!  Tide about the same as when we went in the morning last week, but that day was windy and quite rough at high tide.

    AQ – sounds like a very busy day, no wonder you were tired!

    Alan – sorry about Hamish’s limp – if there is a thorn there, I hope you find it soon and it doesn’t get infected.

    Annette – I hope the ears continued behaving themselves today!

    Wendy – That decorating is moving ahead very fast – you are so organised.  I am going to suggest to OH that we put our names down for the meet on 3rd August – may be the only way we can get a second visit to LG this year.  When we were there last Monday, I felt so at home, and Caroline and the others were so welcoming!  Will let you know very soon.


    Start of holiday report!  Had a quick look at photos – none from Day1, when we called at all the usual places on the way north.  A warm welcome at the B&B Croft – with cake!  Very friendly lady just loves feeding people – has loads of family nearby who are always popping in, and equally friendly.  If she heard us coming in any evening, the coffee and cakes (always different ones) reappeared!  To be continued!


    Now need to get ready for bed – church tomorrow morning then to RSPB Mersehead to find out if any of my competition entries are exhibited for the voting!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!