Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Cirrus  tried to leave a message on your page but is having none of it at the moment.  Will try again sometime over the weekend.  Thanks very much it means a lot to me.


  • Sue C thanks for that link, have now emailed.


  • Good morning all and I really wish I could reply to all but just a quick visit while OH out doing the shopping.  Lindybird see you had a storm and think we may get some by Tuesday just when OH goes back to work and I wil be here on my own absolutely terrified as usual. 


    dibnlib nice to see a post from you and to all for such kind thoughts over tne news of my sister.  Finding that very hard to accept at the moment but will have to make the most of her time with us.


    After several attempts I managed to do Billie's fleat treatment yesterday and she was very good while I was doing it.  Another first for her is the fact that she came indoors last evening while we were watching TV, had a good wash and then settled down and went to sleep.  She parked herself by the door so she could beat a hasty exit if she required.  In total she spent an hour with us before taking herself off outside again.  She is OK if we are sitting still but gets a bit jumpy if we move.  Good progress though and I am delighted.  At the moment she seems to prefer being outside at night.  She is much more active then and probably spends her time watching for mice.  As yet she hasn't brought one in to mel.  OH thinks she will eventually as a gift for me.


    OH eventually managed to find a fridge/freezer that fits and it is going to be delivered on Monday.  As long as we keep the fast freeze on all the time things in freezer are OK.  Got it from Currys who make no charge for delivery and installation and they also take the old one away free of charge.


    Hope you all have a good weekend and once again Happy Easter to you all.


  • “We mustn’t by any more pictures”, I say after each hanging … so why did I buy two (small) prints of the River Findhorn?  Well, one has an Eagle flying, the other has a Heron fishing!  So we have spent the last hour deciding where to hang them, which, of course, involves moving another picture!  So. I say again “We mustn’t by any more pictures”! …  Watch this space!

    Well, OH’s rain dance with hosepipe worked!  One shower overnight and a very short one half an hour ago; not as heavy as expected, so having dampened the ground, this will soak in nicely.  Don’t know what he will do today, but I have plants for re-potting – and the dreaded ironing, which I shall start a little at a time.

    Annette – another difficult decision, but I think your Daughter has done the best – for herself and the horse – deciding to sell Miss Molly.  Good to see you have made techno progress with laptop and printer – and great news about the replacement television!  I hope ears will wake up better today – if not, please see Doctor, as it may be something more serious than the allergies (although I hope not).

    Lindy – hope you get good weather for the BBQ tomorrow.  Hope to clean ours some time ready for use – it still sits on the deck like a great (green) white elephant.  Sorry about the early hay fever – but pleased to see that Buzz seems more himself.

    Cirrus – ironing has to be done a few items at a time to reduce standing and cramp in my hands, so there may be rest times for photo sorting!  Have a good hike – tell us about it after.

    Margo – good news about Billie’s time indoors.  Since she is used to being out at night, it’s probably best to make that the normal routine – ours always went out at night and they took no harm from it.  Pleased your OH found suitable FF and delivery is soon.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • MARGOBIRD   just been catching up and sorry to hear about your sisters decision, but I guess she has just had enough. As you say lets hope for a miracle, they do happen, and we will be praying for her and your family.

    Sorry to hear of everyones ailments and wishing them well.

    LINDY poor you and Buzz. We have also found peanut butter a good disguise for pills and of course cheese is another.

    on a lighter note OH has just been washing car seats for second time. On Thurs I was watching the Maunday service so he decided to get takeaway coffee from Tiso. Unfortunately when opening car door he managed to spill one cup and it went over his top and trousers and both car seats. It is amazing how much damage i cup of coffee can do!!!!! Glad it was not me who did the spilling!!!!!

  • I hope all suffering colds, coughs, hay fever and other assorted ailments are feeling much better very soon.
    I wish ALL a very Happy Easter.

    Margo - You may find it hard but your sister has made the best decision for her. Enjoy what time you have together. Gosh, Billie is taming herself by "leaps and bounds". Are you prepared to be taken over?!!!

    Tiger - Even my OH enjoyed the robin video. Thank you.

    Sorry I can’t comment to everyone, I appreciate your posts very much. But I am falling asleep. Beautiful autumn day, very still. Perfect for those attending Oakbank, the picnic horse race in Adelaide Hills. I planted some bulbs I found sprouting, made Asian-style chicken & zucchini soup, also Mars bars biccies (neither crisp nor chewy but more like cake!), long catch-up phone call with a friend. So where did the day go?

    What's with the blog? I have to sign in? And they expect me to remember my password?!!!

  • Afternoon all,

    SueC: Thanks for pointing out the Mark Avery blog. I have emailed Vince Cable. Just another example that this government has not got a clue what it is doing and is totally out of touch with the ordinary people of this country.

    Dibnlib : Hmmm car seat washing. Another contender for a possible Olympic sport?

    OG : Lucky you to have a shower.It is incredibly dry here with 6 weeks now without any appreciable rain.

    George : Sorry you have a chest infection. I hope it will clear up soon.

    Margo : You are certainly making goos progress with Billie, managing to give him the flea treatment. Glad your OH managed to get a new fridge freezer to fit.

    Auntie : Great pics of the Hame nest. Really good close ups. Also hope the Nauvo nest gets a settled pair this year.

    Thanks to everyone else for the chat etc.

    Another hot day. Even hotter than yesterday with the temp now 24.8c . Went to the Frosts garden centre in Brampton this morning and now watching Cardiff v QPR while Lady P does other non football things. Hamish has developed a limp so no walk for him this afternoon. I think he may have picked up a thorn on his walks but cant see anything as his feet are so hairy.  



  • Morning all: Quick look in and read; will respond later. Ears behaving themselves so far!


  • two stories for you. First, some time ago we realized we had a mouse in the garage when OH found a hole in the nyger feed container and a hole in a big sack of bird nuts. We bought plastic containers for all bird foods and thought that was it. Then we found that the bonios were being gnawed at, so another plastic container was purchased, next it was the marrow bone morsels so yet another plastic container was needed. Now I have to say I am not scared of mice but got a real shock today when I was about to plunge the scoop into big sack of Dillons food only to see 2 little mice scampering around in it. Screamed for OH who took sack outside and the mice scarpered. In case there are any more in the garage we are going to put more dog food in a steep sided mop bucket and check it daily until we are sure we do not have any more unwanted friends!!!!! If there are we will release them in the garden again.

    STOP PRESS OG Almost feel I should apologise. This aft we took Dillon for a walk at Chanonry and ended up being treated to a Dolphin display of a lifetime. We lost count of how many there were, probably 3 pods, distance of 20 - 200 metres. They were jumping both horizontally and vertically and we watched enthralled for about 45 mins. Everywhere we looked there seemed to be dolphins and that display will take some beating. I do hope you get to see the same sometime. Tide was in and on the turn, which I have been told before is the best time to see them. It helped of course that the sea was flat calm. And to think we nearly went to Brodie as we had a good walk this am and I still don't tend to do more than 1 good walk a day as my right leg still suffers if I do too much. When OH suggested this I said "No I have a feeling we are going to see Dolphins today" Mind you I say that whenever we go to Chanonry!!!! only this time it proved to be right. 

  • Ross Co 0 Dundee 1. 1 defeat in 27 league games and now safe from relegation despite the 25 point deduction.