Weekly Chat, Sunday, April 17, 2011

Evening all: Just off to check recent posts.


  • Hi All..Sorry not been on for a while and not read all blogs but will do later. Busy decorating open plan living,kitchen , dining room...what a mamoth task and as the saying goes it seemed like a good idea at the time.

    OG: Pleased you made it home safely even more pleased you found Osprey at Spey Bay always a good spot to see them. Thanks for your and OH's company and I am sure son will settle in to new job once he is a bit more confident about it all.

    I have had just the best sight from my garden I thought I just had to shear it with you:-

    Sitting with OH having a well earned "just over the yardarm" glass of something nice in the garden we watched 2 buzzards having a bit of a courtship soar in the sun. Then all of a sudden something larger came flying past. Our back garden has a field with a small hump that leads to the Spey. It was an Osprey...OH and I looked at each other in awe. That has so made my day...OH had a bit of a tear in his eye!!! 

  • Oh Wendy how absolutely fabulous, and really special to see one from your own garden!!!  Enjoy the evening!!!

    Out of interest, have you ever seen one from there before?

    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Not that I can recall but it is only in the last 4 years I probably new what one looked like to be honest with you. We knew they we in the area as Steve the Ghillie has photos on the Ballindalloch fishing beats of Osprey taking his salmon. He is a keen conservationist and didn't mind at all. Normally take family and friends to Spey Bay as is a very popular fishing spot.

    9 years ago I was in Raigmore (Inverness ) hospital and after visiting OH came back over Dava Moor (scenic route) and he spotted something glinting in the sky and it was a salmon attatched to an Osprey. Poor me and lucky him.

  • I guess four years or so is about the time I have become aware of these beautiful birds.  How wonderful to have a caring Ghillie.  But most 'farmers' are usually aware of wildlife on their patch and care for them. 'My' farmer seems to tolerate deer browsing on his crops or generally chilling out for the day, lying on the wheat or rape.  He told me he likes to seem them, but I guess there could come a time when their numbers are too great.   How wonderful for your OH to see a bird with a salmon.  Wow amazing.  I hope you came out of Raigmore in one piece too!


    Birdie's DU Summaries 2018   https://www.imagicat.com/

  • Hampton eaglets were banded today. I watched it last year but missed it today unfortunately:


  • WendyB so glad you managed to see the osprey - that was wonderful for you both.

    As I said to OG, glad you had a nice time with them.

    OG - meant to say earlier, do hope your son will realise that it takes time to run a new job in and he will soon get the confidence once he has learnt the job. We must keep chivving him along, he can do it and he will. Sorry hope that doesn't sound patronising its not meant to be. I sometimes have difficulty in putting into words what I want to say.

    EJ has left the nest for a break. It looks to me as if the eggs are all one colour now despite the infra red cam and light.

  • That's good news about the Hampton eagles, Alan. Was looking in yesterday evening, they are really growing up now.

  • Can't seem to get onto the Daily Update at present.

    EJ has left the nest for some minutes now.

    Someone has just turned up off cam but can't see who it is. In no hurry to sit yet. Having said that, it is EJ and back she comes to sit on the eggs.

    Has now turned her back on us.

  • Done loads of washing today – aching just from folding it, so can’t start ironing tonight.  Cleaner is giving up to take a full-time job in MacDonald’s!  Agency is trying to re-allocate us.  Just watered plants in greenhouse – got to shuffle them around tomorrow to sow Courgettes and Runner Beans and more Tomatoes as existing ones look as if they have been over-watered by kind neighbour – will also have to get hosepipe out tomorrow evening for containers and borders if it continues dry. 

    Resuming my replies – re Sunday onwards.

    Various folks – thanks for news of Grand Prix and Marathon etc over the weekend.  Not generally a lover of sport, but like to keep up with sports news.

    Lynette – hope you had a good time in Nottingham with friends.  Oh (later) I see you did.  Eally sorry to read about Daughter’s RTA and hope her bruises are beginning to subside.  Thanks fro your kind words about our Son – he is feeling more positive after his final working day this week – and another short week ahead due to Bank Holiday.

    Margo – interesting updates about Billie, as she is now known!  I can understand your Sister’s decision about chemotherapy – but brave to decide on quality of life rather than quantity, and probably harder for her family.

    Trish – sounds like my sort of menu you enjoyed recently!  I love Goat’s cheese with roasted peppers and caramelised onions – yummy!  We both tried very hard not to overeat on holiday, but had lots of good things.

    Diane – it was a lovely full moon here, in a very clear sky.  More storms?  So, I guess, no mowing yet!  Mrs Blackbird here had to challenge a Woodpigeon too near her nest – and she won!  We have a similar rechargeable battery lawnmower – but only 24 volts – it was imported from N Zealand, which I think is quite disgraceful, but it does the job we want!  We have a second battery, and OH gets round all our grass using the two fully charged.  Storm sounds really nasty, and Tornados with it – pleased you were not too badly affected by it.

    Wendy – a great new photo of the Ballindalloch Bridge – without snow!  Open plan isn’t so good when you try decorating – can’t shut the door on each room one at a time!  Son told OH tonight that at the end of his first working week he is feeling more positive.  How wonderful for you to have the Osprey flying over!

    Patricia – Dogs on the croquet lawn at Mount Stewart?!  I’m shocked!  Only once played croquet, but I am sure very fine grass came into it somewhere!  Any rosettes for your competing Dogs this time?  Sorry about your OH’s eye – poor man has so much to deal with – and you too, looking after him.

    Annette – good you could help out getting the ladies to Santa Barbara.  Sorry the ear is still troubling you – shouldn’t you get it checked out?  It doesn’t seem many weeks since the previous creaky ear and brick-on-nose episode!  Pleased there was another Whale Calf Monday – but not really many so far – I hope there will be more.

    Joan – I am curious (even nosey) – you seem to have two lots of visitors every Sunday – are they always the same ones, or are you only “at home” to callers on that day?  Sorry you lost the sunshine this morning – I hope you get it brighter tomorrow.

    Brenda – I think my income tax rebate was 17 pence!  But I claimed it on principle!

    Alan – pleased you have Hamish to supervise the shed painting – but maybe he is learning from you to paint his own next year!  Another great plant in your conservatory.  Liked the Goldfinches in the tree – so good to get them in a natural setting.  What breed is that Mrs Duck at RW?

    Lindy – seems a good year for rhubarb so far – but ours has been flowering again (pulled them off) – maybe soil is too rich or something.  Lovely photos of interlocking spurs valley formation.  Sorry to read that Buzz is was still not well yesterday.  I hope today’s visit to Vet was not too stressful.  Cute Ground Squirrels.  Sorry you have had to see the doctor – good to know it is something which can be dealt with.  We have electric heating in the greenhouse – right next to house so easy to wire – but only keep it frost-proof at about five degrees, so Fuchsias and Geraniums survive.

    Tiger – loved the Robin nest link – thank you.

    AQ – good photos of Lizarda Number Two – especially the one where she is “blown up”.  Oh dear!  Sorry the paint saga doesn’t have a happy ending.  Is it just reflecting the colour of the carpet?  Sunday’s trip “sounds” and looks really good.

    Terry – sorry you had a bad time with streaming eyes etc.  Hope you will be well for this weekend at Bassenthwaite.


    Sorry this is so long, but I feel all catched up now.  Will tell more about holiday later and add a few photos.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • evening everyone

    Just read through and caught up. Thanks for all the news

    Margobird, so sorry about your sister. It's such a hard decision.

    Linda. hope the news about Buzz wasn't too bad

    Diane, that weather sounds "wicked" (as they say on the TV!) We've missed all the big storms this time. Stay safe.

    OG, glad you had a great time.

    Thanks again for all the news