Latest from Dyfi:
"DULAS HAS GONE.. at 08.42 he lifted off and headed straight towards the visitor centre then he turned back and landed safely on the nest."
Young carrying fish at Tweed Valley:
Lazy day for chick at Kielder:
Blog on Garry Ridsdales trip to the Loire Valley:
Female osprey surprise:
Val Gall has just tweeted to confirm that both Chicks fledged from her nest
Many thanks to Vespa Crabro for updating my news! I have been on holiday for last 21/2 weeks. Yesterday my 1st stop was nest but only saw 1 large chick probably a female. Today however there were 2 & what a display they gave! Both are well grown & flying well. XL was top of her favourite tree watching them.
I have been without my phone for whole time I have been away & not been able to access internet so no updates & now just catching up. My phone fell out of top pocket into dogs water bowl the day before I went away & not sure if it can be repaired.
One Life - Live It!!
Rachel R said: Has anyone heard from Val Gall recently? Last tweet (Tuesday) she was hoping for ringing that afternoon, but there's been no update since - and wasn't she heading for Africa mid-week? After all the stress she had with that nest earlier in the season I do hope nothing went wrong.
Has anyone heard from Val Gall recently? Last tweet (Tuesday) she was hoping for ringing that afternoon, but there's been no update since - and wasn't she heading for Africa mid-week? After all the stress she had with that nest earlier in the season I do hope nothing went wrong.
Sorry Rachel I have been on holiday since 14th July. Unfortunately the chicks were not ringed on that Tuesday afternoon & I was most disappointed! I am waiting to hear if they were ringed after I left but I do not think so. However I have seen both chicks today & they looked wonderful. My pictures of them however were not!! Hope to be able to post pics soon though
Good to have you back, Val - hope you had a good holiday. Great news about your pair fledging successfully, though it would be a shame if they weren't ringed.
Lake district osprey 12 still doing well: