At 14.22 Einion took his first flight.
Great news.
Tiger Signature
Thanks Tiger. Must be mega exciting there today.
BBC have started a tracking blog:
Both chicks flying well at Caerlaverock:
C1 fledge at Ayers nest:
C2 fledge at Ayers nest:
#1 and #2 fledged at Hailuoto nest :)
my photos in flickr
Unknown said: #1 and #2 fledged at Hailuoto nest :)
Thanks auntie hope you are keeping well.
Hazel b said: At 14.22 Einion took his first flight. Great news.
Hi all
We visited the Dyfi osprey project on Tuesday, and were surprised that Einion didn't fledge that day as he kept going up 5 feet or so above the nest while we were watching through the scope in the hide.
Just in case anyone is thinking or paying a visit to Dyfi, I will advise that the nest is a very long way away from the hide. Even through the scopes the ospreys are small, so it is quite difficult to see what's happening. You can't see the nest site at all from the boardwalks, because of the vegetation growth, and the distance involved. There is another nest pole that you could see from the ground. It would be great if an osprey pair nests there next year. Fingers crossed.
We also went to Ynys Hir, on Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday. It is virtually next door, and you can see great views of the estuary there, but we didn't see any fishing ospreys there either.
Best wishes Chris
Click Here to see my photos
Woodpecker Monty chose the new nest at Dyfi this year but Nora chose the old one. So guess whose opinion prevailed?
Hazel b said:Monty chose the new nest at Dyfi this year but Nora chose the old one. So guess whose opinion prevailed?
LOL That figures
Changing the Birds LOL!!
For anyone interested, these two have just returned to the nesting box in Cornwall UK.First time since April.
Interesting few months ahead.!!