• Unknown said:

    Hi Wrinklie, how are you doing?

    Just seen the Osprey on the Loch Garten webcam, think its from what is being said.  All we need now are Odin, Lady and Laird and we will be swinging from the chandeliers.

    Shirley X





    How right you are about the chandaliers Shirley D have the LOtl webcam open all the time now and hoping and praying Lady will return.


  • In view of the various discussions on this thread about SWT's attitude & policy it's interesting to note that the Rutland water twitter feed has just praised someone for taking a screen shot & posting it online, they've also added a comments section to their blog. You wonder why one charity feels this is the best policy & another goes in completely the other direction, copyright issues must be the same for both.

  • ALAN PETRIE - Congratualtions Alan on having EJ home safe and sound

  • Unknown said:

    In view of the various discussions on this thread about SWT's attitude & policy it's interesting to note that the Rutland water twitter feed has just praised someone for taking a screen shot & posting it online, they've also added a comments section to their blog. You wonder why one charity feels this is the best policy & another goes in completely the other direction, copyright issues must be the same for both.



    That is very interesting Vespa.  Good to know they have a comments section now.  As you say copyright issues must be the same for both.


  • Hi margobird and Vespa,

    Yes, isn't it strange but good on Rutland for doing that, without web watchers and people who are as interested as we all are the charitable organisations would be nowhere!  I don't understand why SWT are being so hard on people as they have as good as shut out the ones who did so much for them last year with their fundraising efforts.


  • Unknown said:

    Hi margobird and Vespa,

    Yes, isn't it strange but good on Rutland for doing that, without web watchers and people who are as interested as we all are the charitable organisations would be nowhere!  I don't understand why SWT are being so hard on people as they have as good as shut out the ones who did so much for them last year with their fundraising efforts.

    Now that is very true.

  • Its nice to know that Rutland take the view that its alright to snap and post. Still, at least we can watch the nest to see if Lady and Laird appear again or some new ospreys arrive instead.

    Thankfully they have the cam on the nest for all us enthusiasts

  • Shirley D - agree with your comments about SWT - think they have shot themselves in the foot.  Many years ago I was a member, but had to disagree then with some of their "ideas", so I resigned my membership and happily joined the RSPB - where I have learnt a lot and appreciate the openness of the organisation.


  • Evening all: Just wanted to pop in to say hallo to all the folks who joined, rejoined these pages with the start of the new osprey season.  Would be so nice if Lady shows up again...

  • Unknown said:

    Evening all: Just wanted to pop in to say hallo to all the folks who joined, rejoined these pages with the start of the new osprey season.  Would be so nice if Lady shows up again...

    Good morning to everyone, very good news re. EJ and we all wait to see who returns to Lowes nest.

    Thank you to Alan, volunteers and everyone involved in keeping our communities going

    Enjoy your day all  "~"