• Unknown said:

    I know its frustrating - part of me wants to go ahead anyway because how will they know,

    Lynette, They would know because

    a) You - and I think some others who contacted them - have told them of the existence of the LG Forum and the LOTL Thread - which are open to view by anyone, whether registered or not. 

    b) In their reply to you, they said " Thank you the information regarding the forum containing information on the Loch of The Lowes Ospreys, we are grateful for all the support and will enjoy reading the comments over the next season". 


    As they don't now allow comments on their own blog, I feel this can only mean that they are intending to visit this thread and read the comments. So we have to take it now, that they may be looking in/checking up on us from time to time, and if they saw unauthorised images had been posted, they would complain to the RSPB Forum moderators. If that happened, it wouldn't look good that SWT had specifically asked us not to download and post their webcam images, and we'd ignored them.

    I'm not disputing the action you took in contacting them, at least it has made their views absolutely clear, but in my view we only have one option now - comply!   

    By the way, I kind of get the impression that Roxanne King believes that you are an Administrator of the RSPB forum, and therefore capable of delivering on her request to "ensure that no images taken from our web site, web cam or blog posts are reused on your forum".


    Hi everyone

    How will SWT know if a pic is copied and emailed to another or kept for ones own use?  Not that I am suggesting I will be doing this of course    "~"  

  • Yes Lofty, I saw that at the time and thought it was lovely. Now I realise that I could not see any credit or thanks to SWT. Did I miss something the first time round?

    I too am disappointed by SWT's new ruling but am beginning to realise why this may have come about. We seem to be thanking and accrediting the people who do the captures, compilations etc without observing basic copyright etiquette. The people who make it possible are so often not even given a mention.

    I realise it must be a complex issue but the above could well be a contributing factor.

  • Good morning Sandra so nice to see a post from you.  So disappointing that no images can be taken.  I used to look forward to all your captures of the things I had missed.  You did a great job for us all last year.


  • Lofty  thanks for the link to remind us of what happened last year.  Have to admit I felt quite emotional watching it again, what memories.


    SheilaFE as you can see I found myself in tears looking at the link which Lofty put up for us.  All we can do now is sit and wait and maybe Lady will turn up again this year.


  • A very reliable observer thinks that they saw an osprey on the cam number 2 this morning at 8.16am. Anyone else see this?

  • I cannot help with the sighting Tiger - However, that is about the time the camera was switched back to the feeders as I had it on screen

  • Tiger have not seen anything although I was having a look around this time.  LOtL have posted a new blog but no mention of an osprey being seen. 


    It seems they have been receiving many emails although they do not comment on the content.  Suspect they are from people who are upset about all the changes this year.  They have set up a dedicated email address for questions to be posted which they will try to reply to.  They have also asked people not to phone the centre either. 


    Meant to say they have problems with the HD camera at the moment but are hoping to sort it out s soon as possible.


  • Hazel b said:

    A very reliable observer thinks that they saw an osprey on the cam number 2 this morning at 8.16am. Anyone else see this?

    Wonder if it was Marge? No prizes this year.

    Neither of the cams are working for me at the moment though I did look in on Cam 2 earlier, just as they were changing the view of the nest over to the feeder.

  • I was watching that this morning before it went off and reverted to the feeder station. I thought I saw a bird on the left hand side of the nest but it was very unclear. I then thought it was the large branch that Lady used as a perch but on looking back through last years pictures that was on the right hand side (or perhaps they have changed the camera position)

    I am going to assume it wasn't an osprey as surely someone on the ground would have seen it.

  • Before I read on, Paula, I will say now that I am not the administrator for the site for the sake of SWT if they look in.


     She just wanted to be sent some images so that she could post them onto this thread after the season started.  I wish no disrespect to the policy now enforced by SWT.

    Maybe someone from LOtL does look in from time to time at this thread, if so I hope they read this note.

    Thanks for poiniting it out Paula.