• I would just like to clarify a point for those people on here that are hoping these post will come to the attention of SWT.

    As a blogger of the site that formed after LOTL blog was closed, I can assure you that SWT are fully aware of peoples thoughts on many issues, ie: no screen capture, no video clips and not being allowed to watch for the birds arrival.  I, along with many others, have politely written to SWT  making our disappointment known and asking for an explanation as to why certain decisions have been taken,  particularly in view of all the fundraising that went on last year.

    As far as I am aware, not one person has yet received a reply to their correspondence.

    I find this, above everything else, very rude - and certainly not the way an organisation should treat its members surely.

    I would love to be sat watching the webcam for the return of the birds than having to type this.

  • Hi Shelagh,

    We all put so much into last seasons Osprey watching with much laughter and many tears though think we all enjoyed it very much.  It was particularly heart rending to read Peter F's posts while he was on overnight watch when Lady was ill and it was something that made my spine tingle and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.   I think we can be assured that the staff at Lowes are not involved in any way with recent decisions and changes and are quite literally stuck in the middle.  We have lost a number of loyal and trusted bloggers and poets because of the blog changes as some have been disinclined to contribute posts now.  I thank Alan Petrie for starting this thread and hope that we can resume some kind or normal blogging this season.  It is wonderful to see the Glaslyn nest already occupied and Rutland nest has an Egyptian Goose paying the odd visit!








  • Hear hear Foxtail ....  and my heart goes out to Sandy, who, in my remembrance , was OUTSTANDING in her faithfulness to the site and nest and posted many superb images which I would never have snapped. There were  others, so  forgive my not mentioning all by name. Sandy really stands out to my remembrance and I am SO grateful I have many of her images in my LoTL folder.

  • Thanks Alan - at last we can see something, albeit from a distance.

  • Margobird and everyone - I wrote to Rebecca King the website organizer and received a reply regarding copyright etc and my reply which I posted on our Daily Chat blog.

    Basically - they are reserving the right for copyright but would be prepared to email official images etc so we can post them.  I replied that "yes please" and hopefully it will all come about when the season gets underway.

    I know its frustrating - part of me wants to go ahead anyway because how will they know, but another part says "respect their wishes".  Also, if we try to take a pic they may block it in some way - we won't know until we try which again is being controversial.

    Probably have to stay frustrated at their decision and post the email images as and when I or someone else gets them.

  • Thank you Lynette. We'll just have to hope for the best then. I'm wondering - is a lot of this because they are unsure that Lady will return? And maybe they'll wait IF NECESSARY for a new female to lay claim to the nest. I don't suppose I'm right but I have  wondered.

  • Lynette thanks for what you have done but it is so frustrating as you say.  Expect you have seen it is upsetting a number of people.  Cirrus  mentioned Sandra who captured so many images for us last season and who I expect is quite upset by the decisions that have been made.


  • This is the reply I had from Roxanne King and my reply to her, hopefully:


    Dear Mrs Foster

    Thank you for your email regarding the use of our images, screenshots and footage from our website.

    As you will have seen, we now have our privacy policy clearly displayed on our webcam pages, web site and blogs and under this policy, it is stated that all images, footage and stills are copyrighted to the Scottish Wildlife Trust and should not be distributed, replicated or reused on any other website without prior permission from us.

    Unfortunately, due to issues we had last season with breach of copyright, we are not currently providing this permission and would ask that you ensure that no images taken from our web site, web cam or blog posts are reused on your forum.

    Should you require images for your forum, I would be more than happy to send you a selection of approved images, the copyright for these images would remain with the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

    Thank you the information regarding the forum containing information on the Loch of The Lowes Ospreys, we are grateful for all the support and will enjoy reading the comments over the next season.

    Kind regards

    Roxanne King

    Thank you for getting back to me .
    I would appreciate very much that as and when the season gets started you could email me with images etc for our RSPB forum under the thread Loch of The Lowes under the title Loch Garten Ospreys.   Of course acknowledgement will be made to the Scottish Wildlife Trust with the images you are prepared to let us have.
    Thanking you in anticipation and I hope the season proves a memorable one.    Will Lady come back or will we see a new female on the nest??

    I live in hope that we will be provided with official images!!

  • Cirrus, I reitterate what you are saying and fully agree with Foxtail. However, Sheila, I have had a reply re images for this thread and you will see the email I sent Rebecca King in reply to hers to my original one asking for permission.

    It is all rather gungho that they are not allowing a fellow bird site to be responsible enough to capture images, post.

    Sandy was outstanding in all her captures and kept us going when I know I didn't visit frequently, although after learning of Lady's illness then I got hooked.

    Have ordered Helen Armitage's book from LOtL and will see what they have to say. I may be too late for their alloted numbers but notice that you can order it through Amazon so will keep that in mind.