Hi folks. Still dark at LG.
A fly past. Ah now she's back. Ah a zoom to the antenna. Thank you
Was that an M on the leg band.
Bird on the nest! Calling for - breakfast. Thank you camera person for the ZOOM, but I couldn't read the ring on her left leg. She does have an antenna, so we know it's one of those two!
Hey Aquilareen: Sue on Facebook and Maureen on the Diary think it's Mallachie. Me? I'm so tired I'm going to go to bed since the rest of you are doing much better than I. Goodnight all.
Some pre-breakfast wing exercises
Someone flew in but left before I could guess who. Back to Mallachie alone on the nest.
Mallachie flew off
Nest still empty. Wonder if EJ is still around.? Any sightings of her this morning?
4.40 pm Adelaide. Still no one on the nest. Time for me to find the kitchen or else we won't be eating this evening. Enjoy your day.
Morning everybody, nobody at home at the moment, suppose we wont know if EJ has gone, its a beautiful day for her journey if she has.
The more you rush, the longer it takes