Weekly Chat, Sunday March 6, 2011

  • Alison W said:

    Afternoon New Blog from caroline


    Thanks ALICAT


  • margobird said:

    Brenda/Tiger  have I missed something re "Good Egg Award".  Is there a link to it, I can see Brenda has Good Egg Award as her pic.

    There are. Good egg award for February 2011.

  •  Margo, here is the link,

    A Good Egg is awarded once a month to a member of the RSPB Community.

  • Thanks Tiger just found it and well done to Brenda.


  • Good afternoon all have been busy this morning finishing holiday ironing and have just about packed my case apart from last minute items.  Not going till Friday but like to get as much as I can done.


    Another frosty start to the day and frozen bird baths yet again but it has turned out to be another lovely day. 


    Have just been outside and Billy seems to have made friends with a neighbour's cat, they are both basking in the sun outside my front door.


    Nephew's wife had her operation today, took a bit longer than expected but the good news is that she should be able to have more children. 


    Alan thanks for captures and egg news and also the link to the bald headed eagle story.  He looked so sad laying in the road.  Hope he makes a full recovery and will be released back to the wild.  How wonderful of those people to alert the appropriate people about him.  Good news about Beatrice as well, she seems to have been travelling fast.


    Heron  thanks for the capture from the Aria and Vento nest, she is rather beautful.


    Annete  sorry you have had some wild weather and also that your whale count was called off.


    WendyB hope the snow that is forecast will not give you any trouble when you come on your visit to your daughter.  I   have never been to Bath although OH has and he likes it there so one day perhaps I will have a visit.  Smiled at your comments about the Brigadier with his hareen.  Birds can be fussy but soon get used to a change.  Take care on your way down if  you do have to negotiate snow and ice.


    patriciat so sorry you OH had yet another fall.  It must be so worrying for you.  Hope the OT will be able to suggest things that may help him and you of course.  It must be such hard work for you.  Hope Nell eventually eats her food and gets the worm tablets down.  You have to be so cunning when giving medication to animals.


    Lynette as always thanks for all your caputres.  Hope you find some covers that are suitable and hopefully don't cost the earth.  Whenever we need to buy anything we always look on the internet first.  It is amazing how much cheaper things can be.


    original goldfinch my word your OH has been busy but no doubt gets a lot of satisfaction and pleasure from his efforts.  Sorry got the wrong date for your son's appointment with the doctor.  That seems like a long time to have to wait.


    Diane such good news that Defenders of Wildlife won some money, well deserved.  Had to smile at you walking round yelling at the top of your voice to make sure no critters were anywhere in residence.  Lovely pic of the flower too.  Liked your Monday Smiles with captions, very funny.


    Brenda  it is a shame that we will not be here for a few days but Billy will be OK, we are actually paying someone to come in and put food, milk and water out for him.  There is now way I could just go away and leave him without his food, bleas him.  Have just managed to get within couple of feet of him again, just talking quietly as I moved forward slowly.

    Aquilareen  sorry about your very wet and hunid weather.  I didn't know there were possums there, perhaps you will get a glimpse of it or whatever is feasing on your tomatoes.


    DjoansS I am really going to miss little Billy but I know he is going to be fed well while we are not here.  Glad to see you have a nice day.#


    dibnlib have tried posting to your page but it is not working for me but I agree with what you say so that we can have contact before my visit to LG.


    Sorry this is rather long but at least I have just done one posting this time, as I could read what I had written down this time.


  • Hello all -

    Margobird - enjoy your holiday!

    Annette - Agree with all that has been said re GD. She has inherited good genes

    Patriciat - I hope that the OT has some good suggestions for you both. My cousin's husband was very prone to falls, etc, and unless they had someone in as a carer for a few hours, he  had to reluctantly accept that when she was out shopping, etc, he had to stay where he was. Of course, there was always the problem of bathroom visits, but generally speaking,  if he was 'comfortable' when she left for less than two hours or so, he was OK. Loss of independence was his main problem and it really did take him a while to accept this and realise that he was better off in his armchair, with TV remote control, phone and a drink and snack to hand. It was only when he realised that it was either that, or having to leave home and go into care, that he finally relaxed and accepted the 'status quo'. I do hope that I have not spoken out of turn.

    The King's Speech - we enjoyed the film very much. Artistic licence was employed but once I let that wash over me, everything was fine. Great acting by Colin Firth.

  • Hello Heather B and thanks we will enjoy our break in Italy.  OH can well do with it as he has been working so hard, even at weekends.  Glas you enjoyed the film.


  • Margobird - I think its great to go away as much as possible and affordable while we are still fit! My OH is in his 81st year and we are so aware that what we don't do in the next few years, we may never do. His first wife died at 63, she was always talking about what they would do when they were older and sadly that day never came. Our winter fuel bills have been so high that I think we could have been away and back a couple of times for less-------------

  • Heather B we do go away a lot because we have to make to most of things while we can.  My walking is not too good these days as I think I have mentioned before.  I get very frustrated when I think how far I used to be able walk, could outwalk OH a lot of the time.  Things went downhill a bit when I had a blocked artery which I had treatment for but they said at the time I would never walk the same way again.  We used to walk miles in Cornwall but now it is a case of going so far in the car and starting the walk on flat ground, just can't manage hills anymore.


    Our winter fuel bills were higher but probably not as much as yours because you had the snow and ice conditions for much longer than we did.


  • Quite active in Lily's den at the moment, both Faith and Jason on view and I think Lily is chewing her collar which has come off now she has lost weight.
