Weekly Chat, Sunday March 6, 2011

  • Good Morning All. Another frosty but beautiful sunny morning. There must be rain due in the next few days though, as the window cleaner is due this morning. Yesterday vanished, so I didn't manage to get back on here.

    Tiger,  So sorry to hear you have been suffering so much, but pleased to see you back with us.

    Chloe and Jan, Good to see you back.

    Annette, Congratulations to your grand daughter and also best wishes to her for the  forthcoming birth of her baby. I admire the way she is already planning ahead. I think she must have inherited plenty of her grandmother's genes.
    Our DiL is a Chemical Engineer and works for an oil company, where she works hard, with long hours. We couldn't have asked for a lovelier DiL.  If they do go to Geneva, I will not only miss my son, I will miss her so much as well. We will have to wait and see.
    Love the idea of your new hammock.

    Trish, I think you will find a big difference in your water bill when you have a meter fitted. I know we did, although the cost does vary a  lot between providers. Mind you, there was a big difference for us when the children left home, less clothes, bedding, towels to wash, fewer showers and two cars less being washed.
    Hope your dishwasher is an easy repair and therefore cheaper.

    Patricia, I think both you and your OH need some respite at least, at the moment. You must be so weary and worried and that is not doing you any good. I hope the medics can find a soluion to suit you both. I can understand how you need to talk and have never considered that you are moaning. Wish we were nearer to you.

    Margo, In one way, it seems a shame that you are going away this week, as it seems that you are now making such progress with Billy. Great that you have been able to arrange for him to be fed when you are away.

    AQ, Jasper looks so sorry for himself. We couldn't use the 'one drop flea treatment' on our dog either. It always irritated him and he would then need an injection to stop him scratching. He was fine with a spray from the vet though.

    Diane, Good luck with " working on the house". Great planning, trying to keep the Eastern Kingbirds out of your garage this year. I remember thinking last year that I wouldn't like them in our garage.
    Yes, I will miss my son if he and his wife do go to Geneva, but they will not be too far away and they assure me that we are expected to visit frequently and they will be home as often as possible. My OH used to have to go to Geneva and he would go as a day trip sometimes. It would depend on the time of his meetings. 
    Thanks for the Monday smiles.








  • Hey! You're all wonderful!  The good wishes across the 'cyber-waves' seem to have worked - we're to have a home visit from OT on Friday.  Can't believe it's happening so soon. Thank you all so much.

  • Brenda H  Congratulations on becoming a good egg. :)

  • Morning all .. another beautiful day here, although a bit cooler than yesterday, and breezy ... I don't care as long as the sun shines :-))  I'm like Brenda ... yesterday vanished and I didn't get on to post at all!

    Annette - your grand daughter is such a plucky, organised young lady ... good luck to her with the new baby ... with or without her OH. Shame your whale count was cancelled.

    Diane - don't work too hard on your house ... but glad you have banished the 'critters' for the season! Its great news about the barn owls .... fingers crossed for the breeding season, I do love watching them. Thanks for your Monday Smiles ... that crane looks soooo cross :-))

    patriciat - so sorry to hear that your OH fell again ... very worrying for both you and him when you are out. I hope something can be sorted to help you.

    OG - you sound well ahead with your gardening ... I'm still at the pottering stage ... a little bit of this and that, and not very organised!

    margobird - you seem to be making good progress with Billy ... you'll be stroking him shortly!

    Thanks to everyone else for chat, links etc.

    Welcome back to all those returning for the new osprey season!!

    Take care.


    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • patriciat - that's excellent news about the OT home visit on Friday ... fingers crossed that something helpful can be arranged for you!

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

    Index Thread


  • Patricia: That's wonderful news! Hope you get lots of help!

  • Tiger, Thank you so much. I hadn't read my e-mail so only found out when I saw the post on the RSPB page. I am very surprised and never expected or even thought about the Good Egg award, but I am happy to see that our group has been recognised to be included. I am in shock.

  • Patricia, Brilliant news. I now hope and pray that all that can be done, will be done and will be satisfactory for you both.

  • Afternoon New Blog from caroline

  • Brenda/Tiger  have I missed something re "Good Egg Award".  Is there a link to it, I can see Brenda has Good Egg Award as her pic.
