Weekly Chat, Sunday March 6, 2011

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  • Patricia – special thoughts and hugs for you today.

    Chloe – good to see you again.

    Tiger – I had a feeling you weren’t well last year and into the winter.  Horrible that you had to suffer so much before diagnosis and the surgery.  I do hope you will have a healthy and trouble-free year this year.

    Diane – sorry about the storm, and well done for not worrying about the creek!

    AQ – thanks for starting the new week.  Sorry about your poor confused spring bulbs, and sorry it is hot again. 

    Annette – pleased you got a lot done Friday – but hope you didn’t do too much!  Pleased you are holding back some $$$ from garden man – we are so pleased we retained some of the £££ for the solar project.  Sorry about your bad night and weariness today.

    Auntie – hello!  I hope you are less overworked now and can look forward to Spring.  I think it comes more suddenly further north, so one day it will surprise you!  I think I read that the Osprey camera at Loch Garten will be switched on about 15th March so that we can all watch out for Osprey activity and try to be first to spot EJ!  I expect Loch of the Lowes will be about the same time.  Loved the Owl link!

    Alan – great to know Beatrice is on her way – and thinking of all our known Ospreys getting closer!  Numbers around here have been increasing each year, and I find myself watching out for potential nest trees for them!

    Dibnlib – so pleased you have news at last from Christchurch folks – sorry they have so much damage, but no doubt thankful just to be alive.  I only talk to machines which talk to me – such as thanking lift doors and the self checkout in Tesco’s!

    Joan – hope you enjoyed your gardening.  We stayed out too long to do any, but tomorrow is a gardening day instead of a possible day out.

    Gary – were OH and Toffee shopping the whole 1½ hours?  Expensive to let two girls shop together!  And now the cost of fencing too!

    Alicat – I hope you will enjoy your holiday in Scotland when it comes around.

    Terry – sounds like a strenuous cycle ride today, but nice to be out in the fresh air.  Countryside around here is looking so much fresher and greener already, except for the state of the roads – narrow roads about nine foot wide have so much tractor damage that car can’t stay on the tarmac between potholes.

    Trish – so pleased you talked to all those Ladybirds – naturalist who talked about the survey said we tend to neglect our bugs and wee beasties compared with Mammals and Birds.  Not sure they use good Rump Steak at the Red Kite feeding station near here!

    Wendy – glad you and OH had a good sunny walk by Loch Morlich – and the scone, of course.  Pleased you saw a Lapwing  - I believe they have been having a bad time up your way and RSPB are positively discriminating in their favour at Insh Marshes.

    Jan – welcome back, great to see you!  We wondered whether you have been affected by flood, fire or cyclone, so it’s doubly good to know you are okay.


    Sorry this is so long again – I like to try to include everyone!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hey, did you just see that close up of feathers and face of Decorah Eagle?  fantastic!!!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Jan - Good to see you again. I’ve been wondering how you were. If you hadn’t appeared before EJ, I was threatening to send out a search party. LOL

    Dibnlib - Glad your cousins in NZ are OK. It seems things are still pretty bad in Christchurch. Yesterday’s tremor measured 4.8. Adelaide is a sister city to C-C and this weekend 500 uni students arrived to spend at least the first semester at Adelaide uni. At short notice people are offering accommodation in their homes. I hope they brought summer clothes. Another hot day, already 29C by 8.30 am.

    Online survey reported in today’s newspaper found that dogs topped the list of most popular pets in Aussieland, followed by cats, fish, birds, rabbits & guinea pigs. Top popular pet names: For dogs - Bella, Max, Lucy, Sasha, Charlie. For cats - Cindy, Molly, Sam, Smokey, Bella. 2/3 bought from pet shops, 10% from shelters. One in five pet owners admit to watching TV show they believe their pet likes.

    This is a pic of poor Jasper bandaged to prevent him from scratching his rash which is nearly healed. Cause still unknown, blood test sent to the US! Maybe not allergic to fish after all - he was let outside but returned scratching madly. Until they know, his diet is boiled chicken and rice. How boring.

  • Hi folks, just caught up, nice to see Wattle back with us.

    Alan - that is great new about Beatrice - cam caps at PC and HH are great too - nothing on the cams this evening and nothing on the one at Dunedin either when I looked, probably gone for a break!

    Auntie - at least there are signs of spring up there but of course it is always a little later isn't it in your part of the world or have I got that wrong.   There are signs of spring in our garden - puny crocuses coming up and the daffs are green but not flowering yet.

    Did our usual this morning and went to church, HC, and found out that a new Bishop of Brixworth has been appointed - he helps our Diocesan Bishop in his duties. We're attached to the Peterborough Diocese. Been a lovely afternoon here after a cloudy and cold start, even managed to get the washing out for an hour. Had dinner about 3pm and just chilled the rest of the day.  At least the public have voted sensibly on Dancing on Ice for a change - couldn't really see the point of the Team Challenge.

    AQ - lets hope they get to the bottom of Jasper's rash soon, he must be pretty fed up with that bandage on but he is a lovely cat, very like one of ours.



  • AQ - just had a long email from friends who are out in Aussie for 3 months and they've said they have just been to Victoria to visit a cousin and came back via the Great Coastal Road towards Melbourne? and then Sydney and said it was spectacular. They can't believe they've only about 19 or so days to go before they return. Said they were off to see her son who is living in a small township outside Brisbane.  It really sounds as though they are enjoying your part of the world.  It was also said that the weather seems to be getting a little chilly - ready for autumn!

    OG - At least you had a good sermon from your new Ministers father. We have had the same Minister/Vicar for over 15 years now!!!!

    Dibnib or was it Alicat - holiday  in Scotland sound fab - went to the Borders area last year for a week and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Not much luck with the cams tonight but one or two coming up:

  • Hi  wendyb we will be staying in beauly but traveling around and at some point we will be going to loch garten have been to scotland on several occasions before but last time we went was 2007 

  • Just looked back at the Dunedin cam and she is back on.  Caught one at Hilton Head and have just gone back to it again and both were on enjoying the evening sun.


  • I know I've not replied to everyone but do appreciate your news - 3 pages already and we've only just started the week.

  • Evening all: 30% chance of rain seems to have diminished to zero. Did a lot of tidying up in the garden; moved cactus and succulents back into their preferred locations and am looking at some potted plants with a view to giving them away.

    Wattle: So good to see you!   Do hope you're not planning to read all the Weekly Chats, etc., since last August!

    Thanks all for news of your days: church services, shopping outings, get-well cards and cameras sans batteries, plus views from various cams.  Planning an easy dinner tonight - but what...?


  • Lynette - The Great Ocean Road, west of Melbourne, is indeed spectacular. Some pics (check the Otways too) on http://visitgreatoceanroad.org.au/ or just Google 'Great Ocean Road' and select images. And, yes, it did get chilly last week, temp fell here last week ranging from 12C at night to a high of 24C. LOLOLOL. After hot & humid days that does feel cool. Right now I’m about to turn on the a/c as it is 35C with 40% humidity. Yukyukyuk.

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