
At 1.30pm on Friday 3rd April 2009 a new male osprey arrived at Loch Garten and began to woo EJ who has had a difficult time at Loch Garten since she arrived on June 16th 2003 having been evicted from her own nest.

At the time we said that we would give the new male time to settle in before passing judgent. As the season darws to a close maybe it is the time to say what Odin has come to mean to you and how he compares to previous Loch Garten males like OVS, Henry and Ollie?

  • There was an Odin's Ode was  published around this time last year. See

    Odin's Ode

    They call me Odin, wise Norse god

    I'll live up to that name

    I'll break all records, fish like mad

    We gods must play the game


    To keep this reputation

    In a tolerable state

    Isn't always easy

    As I shall now relate


    Our nest is in an ideal spot

    A des-res - what a catch

    So many other osprey

    Come intruding on our patch


    I haven't got a ring on

    So they can't tell who is who

    and even my mate EJ

    Sometime puzzles what to do


    I came upon some fishing line

    It was no use to me

    But as I flew about

    It nearly tied me to a tree


    I felt a little poorly

    For two days I stayed away

    When I returned two fish were there

    And a Tesco's bill to pay!

  • Hazel b said:

    There was an Ode to Odin published around this time last year. See http://www.rspb.org.uk/community/blogs/lochgartenospreys/archive/2009/06/25/Odin_2700_s-Ode.aspx



    Thanks Tiger for reminding us about the above.  Odin really is a King amongst ospreys.


  • Luck lady EJ to have  such a sterling mate as Odin. But, let's face it ....  Odin won himself a real ''looker''.

    Let's hear it for the king of fishers  - let's hear it for    our very own  our most magnificent   ODIN


    stars whistles bangs crackers rockets and even more stars

  • Unknown said:

    Luck lady EJ to have  such a sterling mate as Odin. But, let's face it ....  Odin won himself a real ''looker''.

    Let's hear it for the king of fishers  - let's hear it for    our very own  our most magnificent   ODIN


    stars whistles bangs crackers rockets and even more stars



    I agree Cirrus Odin is wonderful he deserves all praise we give him.


    Finding it hard to concentrate this morning just so upset about Lady, can't stop crying at the moment.


  • Just moving this up the page.

    Everyone:  To the tune of My Darling Clementine.  All together!:- Super Odin, Super Odin, Super Odin on the wing!

    Gie it laldy! (Give it some welly!)

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • LOL Heron77 I like that.  I wondered why I couldn't post but then realised somehow or other I had been booted off, hopefully all solved now.


  • ....I'm joining in with the singing, Heron!!   or how about "Odin, Odin, King of the Wild Frontier" to the tune of the old song "Davey Crockett"  ...   sorry, a bit too old for most of you, but the old 'uns amongst us will remember it!

  • Lindybird said:

    ....I'm joining in with the singing, Heron!!   or how about "Odin, Odin, King of the Wild Frontier" to the tune of the old song "Davey Crockett"  ...   sorry, a bit too old for most of you, but the old 'uns amongst us will remember it!



    I remember it Lindybird.  Surely it is time Odin came with a fish now.


  • The young ones might wake up to being hungry again, soon, but they certainly ate well this morning, margobird,  and just before I went out this morning, I could see EJ tucking into what was a good part of that last fish still left, so hope she filled herself up.

  • Lindybird said:

    ....I'm joining in with the singing, Heron!!   or how about "Odin, Odin, King of the Wild Frontier" to the tune of the old song "Davey Crockett"  ...   sorry, a bit too old for most of you, but the old 'uns amongst us will remember it!

    Might have to ask around with regards to the tune.  The lyrics are great though.  :-)

    Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.