I am not sure if we should have separate threads for Rothes and Mallachie. If people feel we should the best start them right away.
The first data has been published on Google Earth and immediately it is amazing how much further Rothes has flown that Mallachie.
Tiger Signature
Sue, I agree as well. The Satellite Tracked Ospreys thread is becoming confusing with info on Tore and Bynack inter-mixed with updates on Roy D's tagged birds and others.
Hi Sue,
Sounds very sensible; with the provisothat we add a specific thread if any of the tracking schemes is getting loads of posts & dominating the general thread. Similar to the Rutland Nest thread.
Just in summary, looking ahead we are going to have;
1. The Loch Garten ospreys
2. The Roy Dennis ospreys
3. The Dyfi ospresy (likely to be massive since the BBC are involved)
4. That other sponsored osprey that we do not know much about yet (well I see that we do now)
5. The Rutland males
I would very much appreciate new and split threads, thanks for the suggestion.
oh my god I start getting so excited, as those two LG youngsters are the first I saw hatch AND will be able to follow via satelite (as last years youngsters could not be tagged)
Re refreshing of Google Earth: you can force GE to refresh by rightclick on the folder "Loch Garten Ospreys" and then choose "refresh". Perhaps this will work when having problems with the data not being up to date
Cats and women will do as they please. Dogs and men should relax and get used to it.
Prasad said: Thanks Tiger. How do you find this out? MY GE only has up until the 2nd.
Thanks Tiger. How do you find this out? MY GE only has up until the 2nd.
sometimes my GE doesn't update automatically..
i have to right click on the \LG ospreys section in my places and select Refresh to get the latest data
Re: Rothes in the Gironde, I thought I had signed up to faune-charente-maritime already, but I have now registered. They do not seem to be restricting osprey sightings at present, but a quick skim of the sightings produced nothing. I will look again soon and report back.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Rothes still at the fish farm as at 14th July. GE has been updated.
Thanks for that latest on Rothes, Alan.
Thanks from me too! She better get going soon if she plans to visit her Natal site or she will meet the family flying South .
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
Rothes celebrated Bastille day with style.