Weekly Chat, Sunday February 6, 2011

Hi everyone.

Welcome to another week.  A week that brings us closer to the return of the Ospreys.  Hooray!

Happy Sunday!


Warning!  This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar.  Approach with extreme edginess.

  • Good morning all. Welcome to Monday. Warming up, expecting 28C today <sigh> I’d better do the ironing soon. It has been too hot to even think about it and the waiting pile is horrendous. Bad news from WA where bushfires have destroyed 40 homes.

    OG - On my first visit to Orton I managed to pick the day of the farmer’s market. Oh so frustrating to see so many goodies and not be able to stock up and take them home. I don’t think customs would have appreciated food in my luggage. LOL. I do wonder where are church services are heading - they keep trying to attract young people with "modern" services. But young ones still don’t go and oldies get disgruntled at the changes.

    Gary - My, what big feet you have!!!!! Gorgeous pic of wee Toffee.

    I mentioned we are redecorating lounge room. Progress is slow - too hot last week for wallpaper stripping. Sil#2 dropped in to help shift piano, mirror & emptied china cabinet. Now the last of the wallpaper is reach-able. <sigh> To reach the top of the wall I stand on the piano stool (it’s solid) but very very carefully and only when OH is home, to pick up pieces if I fall. Dau2 suggested not when OH is watching TV aka sleeping! Soon it will be his turn, after we buy sealer, paint and all that fun stuff.

  • Quick post and then an early night.  Dreich day and both tired, so been pootling around with photos again – finished proper folders and back-ups of all digital (back to 1998).  Now started trying to sort prints – working backwards!

    Lindy – thanks for weather poem.  I hope you have a better night – will think of you if I am awake at 3:00am!

    Terry – pleased you got your exercise chopping wood before enjoying film at cinema.  If you come round the water to see Geese, don’t forget to call in – do you still have the phone number?  We haven’t been to Mersehead for ages – and also quite a while since Caerlaverock.

    Gary – please call the wee lady by her name of Toffee, not The Toffster – I’m not surprised your OH tells you off!  Pleased Toffee is doing well – and wonderful photo – she looks so much at home there, and has the advantage that she already knew you before she moved in!

    Dibnlib – pleased your OH felt better and that you have the chance to resume your course – hope you can get as enthusiastic as you were before.

    SueC – OH had Ancient Aunt (lived to over 90) who lived in Sussex and when the girls were small (before son, so about 35 years ago!) we visited Amberley with her – when they were making a James Bond film there with an airship flying over!  Daughter#1 took her daughters there when on holiday in Portsmouth a couple of years ago because she remembered how good it was, and they enjoyed it.

    AQ – must be less to iron in hot weather!?   I suggest you only select from the pile what you actually need!  I actually quite like some of the modern songs in church, but 8 in one service seems rather over the top!  Our new Minister-elect is only 28, so we shall probably see changes – I just hope they are changes in the right direction, with some decent Biblical teaching!  Sorry it has been too hot for the paper-stripping.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Evening all:  Nice day puttering in the garden, then to the gym; then stopped on way home at two supermarkets: Whole Foods (mostly organic, etc.) and plain vanilla Vons for cat food etc.  Gym and stores  deserted due to Super Bowl game.

    dibnlib: Hee hee - singing/dancing ironing board!  Just about, but as Alan and others have noted, I really need one that actually does the ironing.  Hope OH felt better when he went to work.

    Alan: Just hope those stepping stones are there when I go back; the lady said the comapny had stopped making them - typical! - should've taken that as a sign to grab them pronto. Glad you're feeling better.

    OG: I've had those cramps lately too  - in the lower calf? Talk about a rude awakening!  Hope you have a better night tonight.  OH still sorting his office stuff out; suspect he'll figure it out in next day or so. 

    Lindybird: Ironing board and cover - and iron -  a soft sort of green-blue - it was called "seafoam" a year or two ago. Don't know what they're calling it now!  Good grief: Your OH's cramps sound awful; wonder what causes them.....   Do hope you get some sleep tonight; it's just awful to keep waking up coughing.  Talking of poems, you haven't written anything lately.

    TerryM:  Definitely worthwhile to buy me a ticket!   I can come and clean your house, then be a helpful houseguest to other LG folks with ironing, weeding, etc (but, alas, doubt I can get color-coordinated ironing gear past airport security!)  Very odd that that Cheney junior not allowed on the site.  :-)

    Brenda: Did not deliberately go searching for coordinating ironing gear. My old ironing board dated back to the Industrial Revolution I'm sure. It groaned and clanked (or was that me?) and had lost one of the rubber thingies on the bottom of a leg so it wobbled (or maybe that was me again).  Hmmm...

    Gary:  I had a friend once who had scoliosis and had some of her vertebrae fused; she was convinced she'd never look good in anything. We went shopping one day and spent seven hours - in one store! -  finding her all kinds of stuff. It was a lot of fun: she stayed in the dressing rooms while I whizzed about finding sizes, colors, etc.  (She bought everything but hats.)   Wonderful photo of Toffee (I would not like Toffster either).  :-)  Doesn't look like she misses her siblings.

    SueC: Hope you get the extra folks so you can actually go on that trip.  That windmill is gorgeous.

    AQ: Heavens - floods, typhoons, now fires! What next? Pestilence?  I don't attend church anymore, though I might if I could hear a Latin Mass with a Gregorian chant sung by a good choir accompanied by a huge old organ. Oh well.....  Good luck with the painting.

    Off to have eyes tested in the morning; then in the afternoon to the Very First Day of the 2011 Whale Count! Hurray!  Take care all.


  • Hi, all. The site is very slow tonight, but I just wanted to check in with everyone. So sorry for all bloggers and spouses who are ill. Also sorry to all who are still enduring awful weather. This has been a hard winter for people and critters. I did see the two cardinal pairs today, so they survived the storm. Yay! (They are the beautiful bright red birds.) I haven't heard or seen the hawk, though.

    Annette: I hope that the stepping stones are still available. You will provide us with some photos when the garden is complete? I'd enjoy seeing it. I love seafoam green -- especially if it's a pastel version of the color. I need a new iron pronto. I ruined a skirt the other day because mine is leaving those little black burn smudges on things. I swore a lot. I want one of those old-fashioned no-steam irons.

    Gary: GARY! I just knew that you were going to end up with one of those puppies. And Toffee is a beautiful sweetheart. That photo of her asleep on your boot is so cute. My boxer used to steal my socks and hide them in his bed to sleep on. Congrats on your new family member, and I'm glad that she's settling in well. I know you'll be very happy together. :-)

    OG: I'm so sorry that you're having night cramps. Those are just awful. Are you getting enough potassium, magnesium, and calcium? Also, get plenty of water and stay hydrated. I hope you have a much easier night tonight!!! Hope the weather is better for you now.

    Patricia: I left a note on your personal page.      Terry: Nice to hear from you!

    Brenda: Sorry that you've had such wretched weather. Hope you can sleep better now.

    AQ: If you folks get the promised locusts, your country will have suffered about all of the plagues. Seriously, I'm so very sorry for all of the victims of the storms, floods, fires... Be very careful climbing on the piano stool. Hope you can turn the job over to your husband soon. The wind ripped one of the vents out of my attic last week. I was afraid that I'd get birds and other critters in there, so I needed to put it back. I didn't dare try to set up a tall ladder on all that ice, so I didn't know what to do. Finally, I got the rake from the garage, and I was able to gingerly hook the vent and insert it back into the hole and then pound it in. I'll have to attach it more firmly in the spring, but it's holding for now. Phew.

    Lindy: Sorry that you're still coughing. Terrible bug you have. Maybe you need to switch to rum or vodka? Seriously, I hope you kick it very soon! Loved the weather poem!

    We had 6 more inches of snow on Saturday and two this morning. Then a bit of a warm up. We are promised more arctic weather this week. I was starting to feel really concerned (I need supplies), but the forecasters are promising a really nice warm-up this next weekend and a warmer weather pattern. Yay!

    Have to say that I agreed with Alan and Annette about government preying on the most vulnerable. I won't say anything else because I will go into a full-blown rant.

    Apologies to all that I've neglected. Everyone have a great week!

  • Annette: I forgot to wish you luck with the whale count! Also, I wanted to tell you that Big Rig Trucker will be traveling through New Mexico and Arizona. I thought you might want to watch the scenery.

  • I feel so sorry for those in Australia. The country seems to be going from 1 disaster to another and now the Perth area has bush fires. My bro visited a schoolfriend in the Perth area in Nov/Dec. Think his friend is ok as he lives by the coast though not exactly sure where.

    Agree with the comments about hymns. Some of them are completely unsingable? and I think it is the whim of Tony playing the clavinova what we repeat and how many times.

  • GARY  Toffee is now my desktop and I just want to kiss that little black nose every time I log on. Wonder if she will end up the colour of her ears?

  • Better night, thanks all for concern.  Up early this morning because time slot given for courier collection of HDD/DVD machine for repair was between 8am and 4pm!  We had planned to be out today, so we are hoping for early!  But ‘tis awful windy this morning – and wet – so might prefer to stay home anyway.

    Annette- pleased you are already enjoying the garden, and obviously getting back to normal activities after landscaping project.  I hope your Daughter’s arrangements for Arizona are proceeding well, is it next week you take her there?  Cramps are in upper calf, just below knee joint; get them in both legs, but the left one (with replacement knee) is most painful.  But they don’t happen too frequently.  Whale count here already!  Hope they are running well and you have a good day for it.

    Diane – pleased the Cardinals are about – hope your Hawk appears again soon, but maybe he thinks you don’t need him so much right now.  I use my steam iron dry, because I got fed up with it leaving little puddles on all the clothes.  Think my mineral levels are okay – always have had occasional cramps, but Saturday night the pain was just so severe.  Pleased you found a temporary solution to the loose vent without the tall ladder.  Hadn’t realised you were getting even more snow – seriously hope your supplies will last until next weekend – that seems a long time to me, and I wouldn’t get by very well without fresh milk!


    I hope ailing bloggers and spouses will be better soon – it’s been a tough winter for most of us in one way or another and I think everyone’s health has taken a wobble, even if nothing serious.  Do take care, all.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning Everyone:    Happy Monday!     -- Just came on to put on the Monday Smile, will return later to read and reply to posts.

    Here are more Strange Signs, for this week:

  • Just looked up EJ's Countdown Clock:   Only 46 DAYS and 7 HOURS to EJs return !!!!!!!    WHOOPEE!