What ho everyone! Lazy day for the most part - girding myself for the busy week ahead - oh for a week with no appointments, no projects, no visitors - but as they, say 'be careful what you wish for.' Several folks added pix of Lily, Phoebe, and anonymous eagles on the last page or two of the previous thread, plus some quickie posts to wind up the week (AQ may have melted by the time you read this). In the meantime, here's wishing Andy Murray the best at the Australian Open - it'll be over by the time I wake up.
Have a good Sunday all.
Oh Lindybird: You have to watch out for those yew trees!
AQ: Saw the story about Queensland's approaching storm - sounds awful. Was is going on!
Still wondering whether BrendaH got her furniture and hoping that Diane isn't frozen over!
Well, just checked back in to see something very odd - the Forum page listing the LG sites showed me as the latest post on the Weekly Chat - but instead of showing "Annette in SoCal", it showed my e-mail address. Then, when I clicked on it, it brought me to this page where the same thing happened!! Signed out with the intention of deleting the post, but now it's back to "normal." Hmmmm.....the gremlins are at it again.
Actually logged on to say Indiana's governor was on the news tonight, complete with images of Indiananoplis's streets and sidewalks covered in solid sheets of ice - as Diane noted, much worse than snow in terms of the potential for power outages.
Morning all Has the world's weather gone mad? The snow and ice storm in the US sounds horrific. Do hope Diane and Gary are OK. The cyclone approaching Queensland is so huge! One news report showed a weather map and it was clearly visible - hard to believe it could be covering such a vast area.
Have only been reading (well, skimming) posts the last few days and I have quite a lot on at present. Waiting now for washing machine repair man, who couldn't give me a definite time as he has 2 other jobs to do. I woke up this morning and panicked that he might start very early and the jobs were just small, and that he woud get here before I was ready! I shall get on with my preparations for 2 Church business meetings and have everything ready in good time for a change.
I've been invited to train with the team which is going to the dog agility World Championships, despite the fact that I can't go. Had my first experience of training under floodlights yesterday evening. Don't think Tweed liked it very much! We'll have further sessions there, so perhaps he'll get used to the lights.
Margobird So glad your sister's treatment is to start soon. I'll be praying for her.
Have a good day, everyone and those in severe weather areas, stay safe.
We have really got it lucky with a bit of wind and rain here. Thinking of all of you who are having it really bad.
LYNETTE We just don't take enough care in our gardens. Hope the eye feels easier today.
MARGO Glad to hear your sister has a start date for treatment. We will be thinking of her and you and your family as the days progress.
Off to gym/swim, then bone density scan at hosp in Dingwall this aft and a meeting this evening so this is probably my one and only for today.
Unknown said: Well, just checked back in to see something very odd - the Forum page listing the LG sites showed me as the latest post on the Weekly Chat - but instead of showing "Annette in SoCal", it showed my e-mail address. Then, when I clicked on it, it brought me to this page where the same thing happened!! Signed out with the intention of deleting the post, but now it's back to "normal." Hmmmm.....the gremlins are at it again. Actually logged on to say Indiana's governor was on the news tonight, complete with images of Indiananoplis's streets and sidewalks covered in solid sheets of ice - as Diane noted, much worse than snow in terms of the potential for power outages.
Hi Annette: The email thing happened to me last year, which caught me off guard, but it never has happened to me again. What the tekkie guys at RSPB would like is a screen capture of the evidence sent to them. Worth remembering, should the gremlins strike again.
Also on another subject, I have bought some US/Canadian bird feeder equipment to try out in the garden, a Squirrel Slinky and a Squirrel Buster feeder. Those along with a German 'Woodcrete' Schwegler nestbox, represent the extent of my garden landscaping activities for the month of February in what is still a somewhat chilly UK.
ChloeB & Tiger's Osprey Data Site
Sat track schedule Spring 2014
LG 7 days; RW & SWT nil; LDOP varies
Hello, Everyone. Damp again, here, but not actually raining - OH is in the garden & I'm supposed to be helping, so must go soon. (not even showered yet)
Our water pressure was a bit fluctuating all day yesterday, but seems to be OK now. apparently the whole town was 'off' for while. OH is coughing well, as we say - he has a lot of the loose stuff on his chest but is now feeling better than before. I have had some strange symptoms, not actually the same as his but as if I'm fighting off the germs - now I'm coughing but its more of a dry cough. Afraid we sent the Diet out of the window and had some comforting blackcurrant & apple crumble for pud last night, followed by some of the leftover Christmas chocs! Never mind - we needed it. (& OH can eat the pud leftovers today)
Am worried about poor Diane & Gary after hearing the reports of the bad weather there - do hope we hear from them soon. Also such a ghastly scene in the middle of Australia - after all they have been through already. The worlds weather really does seem to be doing strange things.
Hope your new furniture came yesterday, Brenda. Sorry to hear that you poked your eye, Lynette - ouch! not a good idea. Glad you got it seen to right away, and hope the medication works quickly.
Morning all,
Weather is bright and sunny at the moment . Temp is 4.8c and rising. Brother in law is in Albufeira for 2 weeks and the temp there at the moment is 5c.
I expect we will be going on a shopping mission today as we are getting low on provisions.
Lynette : Sorry you have hurt your eye. As others have said it is easy to get injured in the garden. I hope it will be better soon.
Dibnlib : Enjoy your gym/swim and hope the rest of the day goes well.
Thanks to everyone else for their posts.
There has been a hatch at the Sequoyah eagles nest but it is only 4 am at the moment so nothing to see yet:
Update from Dunedin ospreys:
2/1/11 - The new camera has arrived and will be installed asap. BW"
Diane and Gary hope all is well with you. Update us as soon as you can so we all know how you are coping with the weather. I imagine your garage will be a very welcome refuge Diane. Gary how many horses do you have?
Mrs Sparrowhawk is here again . I wonder if she comes every morning but I just don't see her when I am at work.
Good morning all – wet and windy here and unseasonably warm! Just sent off email to friend in Texas as I believe they have severe ice now!! Shifts in world weather are hard to understand, but this is Climate Change, and we are all partly responsible, and leaders can no longer deny its existence!
Annette – noticed your post was very short again, so guess you are still dashing and whizzing everywhere – take care!
Diane – if you have power to see this (and I hope you have) thoughts and prayers are ongoing for your safety. Gary, too.
Patricia – hope the machine man’s diagnosis is not financially painful and hope the meeting prep (and the meetings) go without hitch. How lovely that the team has included you in the practice – I hope Tweed gets accustomed to the lights.
Dibnlib – I hope your gym and swim are going well, and that the radiographers are gentle with your ankle when they position you for scan – and if I’m in time to warn you, don’t try to stand up too soon!!
Lindy – I hope your OH and you will both be in full health soon.
An awful lot of hoping there – everybody seems to have some sort of trouble, so wishing all the troubles over soon for all!
Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!
Patricia - Tweed must be so good at agility. The club we're in uses an indoor arena at an equestrian yard. The lights are sometimes noisy when they're first switched on then seem to quieten down. Maybe there's a background noise he doesn't like. If he's anything like Mia it could be that. She's such a wuss with noises. I'm hoping the shooting I've been hearing out walking will have stopped now the season's over but someone suggested it may be from the Army college. I do hope not or it will just go on and on.