Weekly Chat, Sunday, January 30,2011

What ho everyone! Lazy day for the most part - girding myself for the busy week ahead - oh for a week with no appointments, no projects, no visitors - but as they, say 'be careful what you wish for.'    Several folks added pix of Lily, Phoebe, and anonymous eagles on the last page or two of the previous thread, plus some quickie posts to wind up the week (AQ may have melted by the time you read this).   In the meantime, here's wishing Andy Murray the best at the Australian Open - it'll be over by the time I wake up.

Have a good Sunday all. 

  • Good morning WendyB I was thinking of you when I saw the weather forecast and guessed you would have some snow.  Hope it doesn't hang around too long.  Hope you manage to get a walk in and enjoy the sun.


  • Good morning Lindybird and so sorry you are feeling grotty.  What a shame if you have to put Sweetpea's visit off but it wouldn't be fair on him as I am sure you wouldn't want to pass it on..  Do take care of yourself and hope you are taking something for the cough and resting.  Look forward to the film review when you are up to it.


  • Newly back from walk in sun by Spey..went to the place where the Spey meets the Avon (Arne) and the water is running really high. Sun now in and oven cleaning delayed. More snow forecast but we will wait and see as BBC quite often get it wrong.

    Met my oldish (91 last month) taking his dog out for a walk and he does that at least twice a day. He had also helped his grandson get some cows in that up to now had been out in all weathers. There was no room in the steading but a load of store cattle (year olds) have just gone to mart so they are in the warm and will soon give birth.

    Billy whizz is getting very bold now and I am sure it is only a matter of time before he steps over the threashold.



  • Good Morning All, The sun is shining but the wind feels cold. Scotland and N. Ireland's forecast for today/ tonight looks very bad with the snow/ very heavy rain and severe gales. Winds of possibly 100mph in the northern and western Isles of Scotland.

    Linda, Sorry you are feeling so bad this morning. I think I would cancel the weekend arrangements. Apart your feeling so bad, you would never forgive yourself if the baby caught the bug from you. Sounds as if you need some rest and plenty of TLC.

    AQ, Obviously plenty of damage, but really is a miracle that there were no deaths. We saw on TV how people were asking to be moved after the worst of the storm had started and the rescue services were obviously grounded and unable to help. The crop loss is also of serious concern. Must have been so frightening for you.

    Diane, Hope you are enjoying a good sleep. Sounds so dangerous with all that ice. A very worrying and frightening time for you also. So glad you have power and hope it stays that way. Gary, Your snow sounds extremely deep now. It must be costing quite a lot to have your roof cleared of snow and clearing driveways.

     OG, We also have a gas BBQ but I can't remember when it was last used. I also hate storing the gas cylinders. I have a feeling it may disappear this year, as I have started decluttering both inside and outside the house ! The woman from the council assured me that they do have people who come and look at what the council collects to see if it can be reused. They are sending a clean van here so that the furniture is not damaged in transit.

    Lynette, I hope your eye is improving. So easily done but so dangerous. Take care.

     We are going out for our lunch so will 'pop in' later.

  • LINDY   Sorry to hear you seem to have caught OH's bug and may have to cancel Sweetpeas visit.

    BRENDA  Agree with Lindy that you must have made elderly lady's day more interesting for her and I am sure given you a feel good factor too.

  •  OG   We got rid of BBQ last year as only used it once and probably only 2 or 3 times previous years. Another reason was that BBQ food should be eaten outside - and then the wasps come!!!! and I have to go in.

    Have been meaning to ask if your son is intent on finding work in the Grantown area or does he want to move elsewhere?

  • So pleased to hear that our friends have come through the adverse weather,so far, so good. 

  • dibnlib said:

    So pleased to hear that our friends have come through the adverse weather,so far, so good. 



    dibnlib it is good news that friends on this blog are OK.


    Gary meant to say earlier was pleased to see that you were OK.


  • Gary So pleased that you have got through the storm.  Very sensible to remove snow from roofs if you can.

    Dibnlib I'm sure you're right to be concerned about neice's BC puppy.  Borders are altoghether different from Rough Collies.  I've had Borders fro nearly 40 years and they all have a very strong work ethic - can become troublesome if not given mental and physical stimulation.

    Linda Sorry you've now got Oh's cold and that the visit of the'wee man' may have to be postponed

  • Afternoon all,

    Had a pleasant outing to Tescos this morning .(only joking).

    Weather is bright and sunny and there is a little warmth in the sun today. Temp 8.9c and rising.

    We lost the vote on saving the forests by 310 to 260 last night despite 84% being against it and 400,000 signing the petition. I have never known a government that is so out of touch with what the people want. I could rant on all day about them. Thank goodness Scotland and Wales are having none of it.

    Glad that Gary and Diane came through the storm unscathed. and that there was no loss of life in Queensland despite the damage and destruction.

    Lynette : thanks for the pics of Lily, hummers and eagles. No eggs yet at Hampton and I have not seem the eagles there yet this morning.

    Linda : Sorry to hear that you have caught OH s cold and cough. Hope you will be better soon.

    Wendy : sorry that the snow has returned to Speyside but glad you managed a walk despite the weather.

    Everyone else thanks for the pics, links and chat.