Loch Garten Ospreys

Hello all.

Am I on the right forum now? :-)

If nothing goes right, go left! :-)

  • Hi Gary,

    I think one can post in many different places and I have always done so. The advantage is that if for some reason one place goes down then there is another place to go to. Also each community is different and that has it pros and cons too.


  • good points Tiger, I have never known how you keep up with them all as it is!!

  • Morning all! Another blustery day in LG. Wonderful, quiet Saturday here - no workmen beating down the door with power tools at 7:30

  • Re the poisoning of the Golden Eagle - how do you know what/where the bird will eat I wonder? On the same topic, woke this morning to see a news report of 20 plus show horses poisoned at a ranch near San Diego. Apparently, someone put chopped up carrots, apples and oleander leaves (the poison) into their feed bins. Bloody people ought to be fed their own poison! Three are critical; others are recovering....

    Meanwhile, LG webcam focusing on someone (Garten? EJ?) in a tree.

  • that is a terrible story Annette, why people do these things is behond me.


  • PAULA: I wouldn't mind trying it - do you just click on Start a New Thread, enter the title, and blather away? Whoever's up - anywhere - could start it.

    One thing: The uploaded photos take up a lot of page space. Should they be going somewhere else?

    As Gary S, it might be a good idea to get this page going since the Diary updates will fall off soon, but I second his opinion that longtime Facebook folks might be reluctant to move. (I have to say I like the smaller typeface on Facebook - you see more).

  • Unknown said:

    PAULA: I wouldn't mind trying it - do you just click on Start a New Thread, enter the title, and blather away? Whoever's up - anywhere - could start it.

    One thing: The uploaded photos take up a lot of page space. Should they be going somewhere else?

    As Gary S, it might be a good idea to get this page going since the Diary updates will fall off soon, but I second his opinion that longtime Facebook folks might be reluctant to move. (I have to say I like the smaller typeface on Facebook - you see more).

    I like the idea of just commenting on Loch Garten ospreys and osprey related matters on here. Over on Facebook there are so many other discussion topics under the Loch Garten Bloggers that I will continue to use it especially threads to Peregrines and Sea Eagles and other birds. Facebook Loch Garten Bloggers pages kept us going through migration and last winter and it is so easy to copy and paste LG comments across to here in any case.

    Keep up the good work Annette with the daily updates and whoever takes over first thing in the morning from America

    The only source of knowledge is experience. Albert Einstein

  • Unknown said:

    Re the poisoning of the Golden Eagle - how do you know what/where the bird will eat I wonder? On the same topic, woke this morning to see a news report of 20 plus show horses poisoned at a ranch near San Diego. Apparently, someone put chopped up carrots, apples and oleander leaves (the poison) into their feed bins. Bloody people ought to be fed their own poison! Three are critical; others are recovering....

    Meanwhile, LG webcam focusing on someone (Garten? EJ?) in a tree.

     Sorry to hear about the poisoning of the horses- are there no depths to which people will sink? It was so callous and premeditated, it makes my blood boil to think of it.

    Are you having good weather there in California? or is that a dumb question because it's always good! We are just about growing flippers here, July has been what is known as a complete washout in most parts of the country.

  • The Loch of Lowes Lady and EJ are both back!!  Happy Days!!!!