Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 October 2024


The moon turns new next Friday, 1 November, in UK and US.

I've just come in from giving the groundhog an apple. The pub/ bar on the highway is going to have a loud Halloween party tonight, and I want the groundhog to be able to get in his burrow.

I never feed wildlife, because it's generally a bad idea. It's often unhealthy, and it habituates animals to humans. But I break my rule for the groundhog. I used to have an apple tree near my bedroom window, and the groundhog dug his burrow under it, so he could feed on apples. But a big derecho storm knocked over the tree and it died. I feel sorry for the groundhog because he no longer has his tree and his fruit. Groundhogs need to double their weight in order to survive hibernation during our harsh winters. Their hearts only beat 4 times per minute in hibernation, and they breathe only once every six minutes.

The big one on my patch is a solitary ol' fella, and I'm his only human contact. He makes a tooth-grinding chuff, chuff, chuff happy sound when I pitch an apple to him. I NEVER get close to him.

I hope you all have an easy week. Love and hugs to all.

Groundhog info ( Wikipedia)


  • RUSTY – Our χmas pageant is always 1st or 2nd Saturday in November. Since 1933 a procession through city streets. Wikipedia says 85 sets and 1,700 volunteers, including some 63 floats, 15 bands, 164 clowns, dancing groups, and walking performers, all culminating in the arrival of FC. This year’s Float List. Plenty of weekends still to come for smaller suburban pageants.

    KATE – Not good. Apparently OH’s new distance glasses were delivered last week & left to be labelled. They are lost, as are his old ones. Reluctantly I have ordered replacement, at further cost of course. Also missing today were his sneakers and 2 pairs of slippers, so he can’t go outside. I wasted 3 hours while a Carer searched without success. I did sew BIG “Do not launder. Return to wife to wash” labels on 2 sleeveless vests. I brought his third one home to wash. I wish I was 2 years old and could throw a tantrum.

  • AQ  Oh dear tis what I feared,as several friends, say they experience much the same.I was fortunate to keep Hubby at home, as was completely bed bound.

    I am wondering, and will have a look later on, to see if there is anything, you can attach and keep track on your phone, ( just another job to be added to your list Doh!)My thinking here, like tags for animals, and lost phones etc..because as you say cost etc.....

    You are doing amazingly, so keep your strength up and rest when you can. It's like looking after a 2 year old all over again, only now, you ain't in charge , and of course , you not a 20 year old any more Grr!!! BIG HUGS

    Yep there does seem to be plenty, here is just one I found.


  • AQ - that’s not good enough all those lost things. I am sure the carers could take a bit more notice. Mind you, they must be very busy. My sister’s mother in law used to take her false teeth out and put them in the bin. Despite asking if the cleaners could check the bins, she lost many sets and replacements had to be procured!!! Such a stressful situation for you though. Maybe things will settle down eventually. 

  • Good afternoon!  I owe Dau#2 an apology!  I thought the visit was on the way to her current husband’s family whose wedding they missed in summer when the old car gave up, but they were not headed there this time, but had purposely come south to see us – although that included shopping at Braehead Ikea on the way home Monday!

    We actually enjoyed their day here on Sunday – mostly putting the world to rights – and found out a few things happening with her boys.  Our new  GGchild is due on 9th November (day before elder one will be 8 years old).  Other Gson and his wife are trying to move house – need a buyer for the present one.

    Yesterday was recovery day – but OH has caught the cold from me, so is still “suffering” as only a man with a cold can – must be bad – he’s even missed his meeting this afternoon.  But we shall have our usual shopping and lunch out tomorrow – easier than trying to decide what to eat at home, even though the freezer is full!

    AQ – sorry about all the missing items – sounds like they have a  resident “magpie” there – probably an elderly lady who thinks she is tidying up!

    HEATHER – sorry about your Daughter’s foot – she does seem to have a lot of problems landing on her.

    Now going to have another search for useable 2025 diaries – getting so late, got a whole list of appts waiting to be added in!

  • Morning all:  It's been busy.  

    Heather:   How is daughter's foot and does the injury impact her ability to go to work?  Or have I lost the plot again?  I tried the sticky note thing with the keyboard but the keys are set so tight in the board that it didn't do much.  I'm going to have to take the back off the laptop and blow it out with the compressed air thingy.  If that doesn't work, I'll have to get a new laptop.  It's getting really frustrating trying to type anything.

    Rusty:  Poisonous spiders! Not my favorite topic.  That guy who got bitten in Seattle: Must've been a Black Widow or Brown Recluse.  They can make you sick but I don't think they're fatal unless you already have a compromised immune system.  Some years back, I picked up my friend from Seattle at LAX - she'd brought along a bunch of flowers (maybe not possible these days) and in the car home, a bee that had been fast asleep apparently woke up with the warmer temps and suddenly started buzzing around the car.  All a bit of a panic.

    AQ:  Don't fancy snakes from Down Under - you've got some seriously nasty critters down there.  Who on earth (apart from retailers) decided to welcome Santa at the beginning of November!   Oh that's just SO frustrating about your OHs specs and missing footwear.  Can you throw a very polite tantrum?  Maybe to the person at the top?  In writing? Saying you expect them to reimburse you for further losses?  And if it continues, is there an ombudsperson who overseas these facilities?

    SunnyKate.  Good for you, trying to help out AQ and her OH's missing items.  Re wasps, I remember we used to put some jam in a saucer outside our kitchen door to keep them from coming inside.  Of course, if you're outside....

    OG:  Good that Dau#2 visit turned out to be a nice one.  Good luck with EE's man-cold!  :-)

  • OG  So glad your daughters visit went well.

  • I'm still here! Only had time to read all your posts, and meant to write yesterday but forgot!  We are busy trying to get ready to go away on holiday on Sunday. This morning I had to drop everything & go to the Dentists as I lost a filling at the front over the weekend - - Sue said "didn't that happen to you once before, just before a holiday?"  I said  "Yes!! and what's more, I think it was the same tooth!!"

    Heather: Sorry to hear about your poor daughters foot. Sounds painful. 

    Rusty: Oh dear, that wasp sting sounds painful, too.  I think the only time I was stung by one, it was certainly the worst pain I'd had of any kind of sting. You did the right thing taking an anti histamine. Well done on the fun French class.

    OG:  Great that the visit from your daughter went well. Sorry that EE is suffering & hope its short lived.

  • AQ - You must have had a job not shrieking in frustration.  These things are so annoying. My mother's teeth disappeared when she was moved from one place to a new one, once, and by the time I had found a dentist to replace them, she was not eating properly any more. Lots of things go missing when people are in care, and no one seems too bothered about it I suppose as you say, the staff are too busy to be concerned but you would think they'd be more helpful. 

    I remember you describing the Festive parade and how early it is before Christmas. The children must think it takes an age to get to the big day.

  • Results of mammogram - good. However Doc is keen for a new enhanced check, ie an ultrasound. Thus an appt for that, then back to see her for results. Of course my GP referral will have expired and I need a new one or no medical benefits paid. That makes 3 appts to fit in between eyes and dental checks next month. BTW my GP of many years is leaving to a far suburb and I shall have to train a new one. What did I do to offend the Health gods.

    My query about BL’s missing items has been “escalated”.