Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 27 October 2024


The moon turns new next Friday, 1 November, in UK and US.

I've just come in from giving the groundhog an apple. The pub/ bar on the highway is going to have a loud Halloween party tonight, and I want the groundhog to be able to get in his burrow.

I never feed wildlife, because it's generally a bad idea. It's often unhealthy, and it habituates animals to humans. But I break my rule for the groundhog. I used to have an apple tree near my bedroom window, and the groundhog dug his burrow under it, so he could feed on apples. But a big derecho storm knocked over the tree and it died. I feel sorry for the groundhog because he no longer has his tree and his fruit. Groundhogs need to double their weight in order to survive hibernation during our harsh winters. Their hearts only beat 4 times per minute in hibernation, and they breathe only once every six minutes.

The big one on my patch is a solitary ol' fella, and I'm his only human contact. He makes a tooth-grinding chuff, chuff, chuff happy sound when I pitch an apple to him. I NEVER get close to him.

I hope you all have an easy week. Love and hugs to all.

Groundhog info ( Wikipedia)


  • Thank you for starting the week again Diane. I am glad your groundhog enjoyed his apple.

    Your other news is not so good. Best idea to stock up on the groceries. I wish you well.

    AQ , Sorry that you have had difficult and frustrating times. Keep finding the books to read!

    Lindy, I enjoyed all your book/reading cartoons, and Rusty, you send us some lovely pictures.  Thank you both.

    I don't post very often as life is still rather uncertain, but thanks to all for news and positive comments.

    OG, I hope you can enjoy your family visits!

  • Thank you DIANE - 

    I will make proper replies at some point - suffice to say that I am up to date with everyones news but a bit preoccupied. Middle daughter slipped on wet and muddy grass shortly after leaving work yesterday. A bus was passing and the driver stopped and helped her up etc. There are good folk around... Anyway she has a nasty foot fracture and has just returned to the ward following surgery. According to her daughter Amy she's had plate and screws. Family phones have been hot ! 

  • Oh dear Heather. That’s not good news. These things are so easily done. I hope the recovery is smooth. 
    Rosy - good to hear from you. Sorry life is difficult just now.

    Minor thing, but this morning I was doing a quick ironing. I put my hand in the washing basket to get the next item and was stung by a wasp which must have been clinging to that piece of clothing. It was VERY painful. Fortunately, I did not have a reaction and took an antihistamine tablet immediately and put some hydrocortisone cream on. I sat down and had a cup of tea (the British remedy for everything!!!) I was able to pick my friend up to go to the Artisan market. Such a good atmosphere. Really enjoyable. I bought 1 Christmas present and 3 things for myself!!! Lol

  • RUSTY - 1 present for others and 3 for self sounds a good ratio!

  • Where has everyone gone for last 23 hours?

  • AQ - I have been to French! I am just recovering from the fact that the lady who prepared the lesson chose to do it all about poisonous spiders!!!!!!!!!!! Some French rock star got bitten by one in Seattle. He survived and returned to France. We then had questions about things such as which animals/insects are you scared of? Have you ever had a very frightening experience. Then to finish the lesson we had some grammar exercises on tenses. My absolute favourite (not) Some people love grammar. Not me! The thing about our French group is that we tackle any subject and always have fun. Yes! We did have some laughs today too!!!! 

  • RUSTY – I am wary of spiders but snakes are my dread. I have had 2 near misses. Your French group sounds fun.

    I am visiting OH this morn. I hope his new glasses arrive as I have plans to sew a tiny name tag to one of the “wings” so they don’t get lost.

    Summer is a-coming. Saturday is the annual χmas pageant when FC comes to town. He will find it rather warm - max temp expected 33 C.

  • AQ -FC already????? We haven’t had Halloween yet!!! I know there are Chr. things in the shops but the man himself!! I don’t know! 

  • Wasps...Doh!! I am unfortunately allergic to them, took a sting a few years ago, couldn't knock it off my arm, then I started to itch all over,as at the time I was just finishing gardening, I thought I would jump in the shower, itching got worse, so I rang pharmacy who told me to ring docs ASAP, (fortunately you could actually see a doc same day) ,next few hours scary, but eventually under control,

    BUT had to have ,daily, then weekly finally Monthly desensitisation jabs for 3 Years.and of course have to carry Epi pen with me.

    Annoyingly this year there is a nest close to the house, and they are still buzzing, grr!! I am wary ,but leave them be, Daughter and friends, worry more than I..

    AQ hope the labelling of glasses . Bless you.

    Take care all.

  • Sunny Kate - that’s what worried me because, to my knowledge, I hadn’t been stung by a wasp before. Fortunately, apart from the pain for a couple of hours, I was OK. Just a tiny bit of swelling. That was very intensive treatment to had to have. What a worry when it is wasp season.