Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 September 2024


The equinox is Sunday, 22 September, in the UK and US.

Where I live, we are hoping for the rains to arrive as promised on Sunday. We've had awful drought conditions, with high heat and low humidity (extremely rare for Indiana). Our small-town volunteer fire departments have been stressed to the max with field, forest, grass, and brush fires. The corn and bean fields are crunchy and turning black. Most Indiana counties have declared a state of emergency and put total burn bans in place with high fines.

FedEx delivered my order for all the organization and winter emergency goods I ordered. The big pileated woodpecker squawked at me as I carried the boxes down my long driveway lane. Those woodpeckers don't migrate, so apparently he's going to spend the winter in the woods across from my front door. I welcome his company.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Lindy - you might be right that your tiredness is due to the new jab. That would be the best explanation. Your OH seems to have to wait an awfully long time for his test results. I do hope they are favourable and that you can finally drink the champagne. 
    Harelady - gosh you have had a lot of appointments and scans etc. Like Lindy’s OH you seem to be waiting ages for the follow ups. It’s not right. Surely with the scans they actually know the results immediately. A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine went to the hospital in Chester for her mammogram (following cancer treatment some time ago) She asked how long the results would be. They said, with their new system, she just had to wait until someone was available and she got the results (clear) at the same appointment!!! What about that? How sensible. Only one appointment for mammogram and result. No anxious waiting. I would like to bet that that system hasn’t arrived in Wales when I go for my next mammogram in November. Last year I had to wait until January for the result!! 
    OG - 4.30 is quite late for haircuts isn’t it? At least they are done. I vary between 5 or 6 week appointments. 
    I had a nice outing today. I went with a friend to Burton Manor gardens on the Wirral. We had a pleasant walk around and a nice lunch. We then called at a very nice garden centre where she bought me my usual birthday present - tulip bulbs. I just choose the colours I think I will like. I don’t know much about the varieties etc. They always seem to do well and give a cheerful display in the spring. I think it’s a nice tradition we have. 

  • Hey, folks. The remnants of Hurricane Helene, which hit Florida yesterday, are now pounding Indiana. Right now, I have 70 mile-per-hour winds and hard rain. There are trees and power lines down everywhere in my region. My lights are flickering wildly, and I don't think they'll stay on. I don't have any faith in the phone/internet, either. If I don't show up on time tomorrow, Annette or someone else will have to start the new thread.

    Helene was a massive Cat 4 hurricane, and after she left Florida, she  laid waste to Georgia, Tennessee, N. Carolina, and Kentucky. The damage and death toll is mind-numbing.  

    I'm sending strength and comfort to Lindy, AQ, Harelady, OG, Eagle-Eye, and anyone else facing adversity. I am thinking of all of you.

    Love and hugs to all.

  • Diane:  An amazing storm in your area, so far north of Florida. Fingers and more crossed that your area stays safe and that the critters are okay too.  I know you have a lot of trees on the property.   I'll keep an eye out for what''s going on back there and can start the thread anyway..

    Sounds like it's been a bumpy week for several folks on here with some health concerns still pending.  Here's to calmer waters ahead.

    It's been hectic here - we lost internet access after a very short power outage that messed up our modem/router in a way that hasn't happened before.  I managed to sort it out right before the cable tech guy showed up but he checked everything out and we're okay.  If it happens again at least I'll know what to do. THen I was chasing around trying to track down OH's meds.  The pharmacy has been out of it for a month but it finally showed up yesterday.   A friend's Mom is also waiting for her meds too and my Bil in the UK mentioned that one of his has been MIA for a week or three.   I expected supply-chain issues during Covid but can't fathom what's going on now.

    Niece is having a wonderful time down under.  They visited the Remarkable Rocks (the real name!) on the south side of Kangaroo Island - an astonishing remnant of Gondwana (the oriignal supercontinent) carved by the winds and rain over the last 500 million years.  She was off to the Botanic Gardens and art galleries yesterday.

    Here are some of the Remarkable Rocks - they are HUGE!

    Head south over that horizon some 3K miles and you'll reach Antarctica.

    Take care all.

  • ANNETTE – Great to see you showing our wonderful Kangaroo Island scenery. The Adelaide Botanic Garden is currently featuring a glass festival. Today your niece is getting a taste of our strange spring weather. Max temp 26 C with gusty afternoon winds. Showers developing this evening.

  • Impressive pics, ANNETTE 

    Maggie Smith will certainly be missed. I remember her ' Morningside ' accent in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ! 

  • Wow Annette, quite amazing.    DIANE  Glad Helene has passed through and hope you don't have too many after effects.

  • Hi!  A bit late today – been busy preparing prayers for church tomorrow.

    RUSTY – you are lucky to get the mammogram at all!   Mine disappeared during covid, never to return.

    DIANE – that was a fierce hurricane and came further inland than usual, I believe.  Stay safe.

    ANNETTE – those ancient, weathered rocks are amazing!

    A showery day here today – maybe some gardening weather tomorrow.