Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 September 2024


The equinox is Sunday, 22 September, in the UK and US.

Where I live, we are hoping for the rains to arrive as promised on Sunday. We've had awful drought conditions, with high heat and low humidity (extremely rare for Indiana). Our small-town volunteer fire departments have been stressed to the max with field, forest, grass, and brush fires. The corn and bean fields are crunchy and turning black. Most Indiana counties have declared a state of emergency and put total burn bans in place with high fines.

FedEx delivered my order for all the organization and winter emergency goods I ordered. The big pileated woodpecker squawked at me as I carried the boxes down my long driveway lane. Those woodpeckers don't migrate, so apparently he's going to spend the winter in the woods across from my front door. I welcome his company.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Thank you all  for your support- it has been stressful. Which is tiring. We feel as if life is on hold.  Last time he had this done it took 5 or 6 weeks to recover and even then it was not a full recovery. Everywhere we go he has to find out if there's a loo handy! We are still awaiting the results of the tests, and expecting an appointment sometime for a talk with the consultant about it. He must be dreading the need for more treatment.

    Our Eldest gave us a bottle of champagne for our 50th anniversary last year and its not been drunk-- I said to my OH that if the test was clear and we are celebrating, I'm going to open it!! 

    I think my tiredness today is partly due to the jab I had on Tuesday - the nurse said I might feel feverish & tired but I seem to have escaped the feverish bit. It's still rather odd that they are not jabbing the over 80s as I would have thought a respiratory illness would be more likely to be fatal or at the very least, serious - can't help feeling I am part of an experiment!! My OH got his invite to get the flu/covid jab soon so they are rolling that out again now.

  • With a lot of shuffling and rescheduling online, we have managed to book winter vaccines for the three of us within one hour on the afternoon of 15th October,but I wish they would set up a system to book for the household!

  • DIANE – A bit late to be saying it – thank you for a new week. I’m glad Woodpecker is staying to watch over you.

    OG = So glad EE’s sickness was brief. What a shame your lunch outing was disappointing.

    LINDA – No wonder you are tired, worrying about your OH. As for family not contacting, some people don’t realize how much difference a few minutes, a few words can make. {{{HUGS}}}

    HEATHER – OH is in the “secure” section with other wanderers of varying mental abilities. OH likes his door open but one chap often wanders in but is easily deflected when I say we are having a private conversation. Another asked me if he had my number – he’s already asked Dau so I’m not sure if I should be flattered. Most of the patients/inmates keep to themselves.

    A semi-successful day yesterday; among other chores I found 2 pairs of summer weight pants for OH (which I have to shorten) and bought new toner for printer (yet to be installed), but I forgot to detour to get tomato plant and extra sprinkler to water lawn over summer. I had a very long phone chat with Dau last eve. Perhaps that’s why I slept fairly well. This morning I am thinking about the vacuuming!!!

  • Good morning all from a very wet Suffolk. It should clear after lunch and I intent to get out for a good walk up at Sizewell beach as we are having some very low tides at the moment.

    Well the MRI and MRA scans all appear normal but I am yet to discuss with Doctor as no appointments until 10th October and this will be a telephone appointment. I also have had the Echocardiogram results and it has confirmed the irregular heartbeat so again this needs to be discussed with the doctor. The appointments system really is appaling now here in the UK.

    Dibnlib - sorry about the loss of a tooth - I too have gaps towards the back but can cope with that. I think in the 50 & 60s we did not have hygenists or all the products for cleaning that we do now and my dentists have all said that is the most important thing.

    Lindy - sorry your OH is suffering and I hope he gets some help soon. Also do please report back re the yellow tinted driving glasses as I struggle in the dark so much that I avoid it whenever I can.

    OG - glad EE is better and I hope J gets his housing sorted soon.

    AQ - seems like you are coping well - getting things for your OH and travelling in to see him regularly.

    Well it's Friday again - I hope all have a good weekend.

  • OG  We seem to have a household system here and our vaccines are 5 mins apart.

    LINDY  Sorry you are having such a tough time one way and another.  I do not think it is too much to expect even just a 5 min phone call or a quick visit from your family.......it would make a difference for how you feel. 

  • Oh heck - Maggie Smith is gone.  She was a marvellous actress - almost like a friend.  :-((

  • Thought Dame Maggie would go on for ever!!!

  • Yes, sad to hear the news.  But she had a good innings, and left a huge archive for us to dip into.  Did anyone else see the programme 'There is nothing like a Dame' a few years ago with her, Judi Dench and Joan Plowright?  If you didn't see it, it must still be on l=Player - and they will probably repeat it now.  Brilliant entertainment from three long-lived ladies..

  • Had haircuts (at home) at 4:30 today, so seemed to spend all day preparing for her arrival at such an unusual time.  Pleased with mine but going to change to six week interval in place of five – I think it must be slower growing now.

    AQ - your comment about one of the “wanderers” popping in reminded me of when I was in cottage hospital to mend broken femur.  There was a wanderer in the room across from me and doors were all kept open.  She delighted in playing with my bare feet, which was difficult with ticklish feet while keeping the leg still – she seemed to favour the bad side most times!

    HARELADY – I hope you got your walk on the beach after the rain.

    DIBNLIB – funny about vaccine booking as ours is via the Scottish central system and would expect yours to be the same.   At least we have now persuaded them I am on the general list and not done via district nurses.

    So sad about Dame Maggie – she will be much missed, but at least we might get some decent films on TV to celebrate her life!