Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 22 September 2024


The equinox is Sunday, 22 September, in the UK and US.

Where I live, we are hoping for the rains to arrive as promised on Sunday. We've had awful drought conditions, with high heat and low humidity (extremely rare for Indiana). Our small-town volunteer fire departments have been stressed to the max with field, forest, grass, and brush fires. The corn and bean fields are crunchy and turning black. Most Indiana counties have declared a state of emergency and put total burn bans in place with high fines.

FedEx delivered my order for all the organization and winter emergency goods I ordered. The big pileated woodpecker squawked at me as I carried the boxes down my long driveway lane. Those woodpeckers don't migrate, so apparently he's going to spend the winter in the woods across from my front door. I welcome his company.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Diane:   Regional issue aren't covered at all these days - it's all the election and the Middle East.  But even without those, it's as if the the midwest doesn't exist.  No wonder people there feel forgotten.    Anyway, had no idea you guys have been so dry; that must be really hard on the farmers.   We're having a cooler than normal September.   Hope you feel more secure with all those supplies; glad you'll have the woodpecker for company this winter.  And thanks - as always for starting us off.

    OG: Here's hoping the vol au vents and canapes show up this time!

  • Thank you for the new week Diane. You must be pleased that your emergency supplies have arrived. The drought conditions sound very worrying. No worries about that here! It is currently pouring down!! It did so last night too accompanied by thunder and lightning!! I was so pleased I had managed to cut the grass before it all arrived. 

  • Thank you, DIANE for starting us off. 

    It's a very dull sort of day here but at least it is dry. When I saw your mention of heavy rain, RUSTY, I thought about LINDY. I think she said it would be a shorter than usual visit to Wales - they may be home by now. My son has just been on the phone from Shropshire - he said that there was heavy rain there as well. He is looking after the children today as my DiL is working - the girls are happy because Dad said that it could be a Pyjama Day. 

  • Hello, folks.  The special service was good this morning.  The lunch was reasonably edible – as well as sandwiches, there were chicken goujons with dips and sausage rolls.  No vol au vents or real canapes!  I was busy networking re magazine – two reps there from Guiding who hire our hall, and I think I have persuaded one of the Rangers to write about their activities.  14 from our county are going to India next year so it should be interesting reading.  I had a chat with the Moderator and promised to add her to the distribution list for the mag so she can see we are still alive and kicking down here in the far south!

    DIANE – hadn’t realised the heat had been so dry – sorry about local farmers efforts to keep crops alive.  Good to see your winter supplies arrived, and that Woodpecker will be there to watch over you!

    RUSTY – seems very wet down your way.  Like you, I hope LINDA may see some sunshine; not very bright here, but still dry.

    HEATHER – how old are your son’s little girls now?  Did the middle child ever improve – I seem to remember difficulties not long before the little sister arrived.  When does Sam leave for his Naval training?

  • Hello! We're still here if a little damp, in Wales. Going home tomorrow.  We had dry days until a light shower yesterday afternoon, then dry today until after lunch. Not done much: my OH had a thick book to read & I've caught up on mewspaper articles etc.

    Thanks to Diane for starting us off. Glad you got your supplies delivered.

  • Glad that you escaped the rain, mostly, LINDY. 

    OG - thankfully, the middle little girl grew out of it after she started school and her sister who is now seven, seems to be doing likewise ! Sam leaves home a week today. Mia is settling in well in Aberdeen - she is sharing with pleasant sensible girls, according to her Mum. 

    It's very dull here and noticeably colder this morning. The new boiler is keeping me warm - much more efficient than the old one ( well it would be, wouldn't it ?)

    Regards to all

  • Nice to hear the younger family are ok HEATHER. and very good luck to Sam.  We haven't got the heating on yet but it will not be long.  Erica is meeting up with her rehab team this morning.  I am sure they will all get on well and I know that when she has her op at the end of October she will put everything into her recovery.   She is so excited about getting her new legs.

  • dibnlib:  Erica is an inspiration to us all.

    Heather:  Interesting how much improvement we see with new things like boilers.  The new one is probably more energy efficient too.

  • Well done to Erica, DIBNLIB - she really is inspirational, as ANNETTE says.

    It's a horrible rainy morning here - my youngest daughter is coming here this morning, by train. I've attempted to tell her to stay at home but she is very stubborn ! 

    I spent a long time yesterday( wasted a long time) trying to pay the plumbing firm online. I don't usually have any problems with online banking but for some reason the payment would not go through. This particular bank makes one jump through so many hoops, it is ridiculous ! Time to tidy up my finances, methinks.

  • Pleased the new boiler is doing the job  Heather. You'll be so glad of it and its reliability, when it snows!!

    We travelled home again yesterday, it was an easy journey & we felt sorry for those going the opposite way, as at Conway there was a huge queue on the other side of the road because something had happened within the tunnel - there are three short tunnels  cut along the coast road where the rocks reach down towards the sea. It was probably only a broken down vehicle but as there is no alternative route and safety within the tunnels is paramount, the stoppage caused a big hold up.

    Everything at home was fine and we sat down after a quick sandwich, whereupon I promptly fell asleep!! My OH had done all of the driving so I had no reason to be that tired but hey ho.

    Today had my jab for the protection from respiratory virus which is supposed to be attacking us this winter - I asked the nurse why my OH had not been invited but she said that the over 80s were not as immune after a jab!! Seems odd, but suppose the NHS are saving money.