Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 September 2024


The new moon (the dark moon) is Monday in the UK/US. It's also Labor Day in the US. That's the unofficial first day of autumn here.

I have no wildlife stories or personal news to impart. I spent the past week sitting on my bed and perspiring. We broke our daily records for high heat and humidity, and I accomplished nothing except watching the corn sweat.

Yes, corn "sweats". When the temps and humidity are this high, the corn takes in and releases water to keep itself cool. A single stalk of corn can release over 4 cups of water per day. An acre of corn can release 4,000 gallons of water in a day. My area has massive corn farms. They all had dense fog full of moisture hanging over the fields. The scene looked apocalyptic.

The poor wildlife were miserable.

I am making a To-Do list for next week, because we are supposed to cool down, and I'll be able to move and breathe. :-)

Everyone have a good week. Hugs and love to you all.

  • Thank you, Wendy.  I enjoyed that!!  

    Rusty - Hopefully the midge season will be almost over by now.  July and August are the worst.  Not sure they quite understand insect repellent - there are so many of them!  And good luck with the sun cream ... hope you manage to use it.