Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 September 2024


The new moon (the dark moon) is Monday in the UK/US. It's also Labor Day in the US. That's the unofficial first day of autumn here.

I have no wildlife stories or personal news to impart. I spent the past week sitting on my bed and perspiring. We broke our daily records for high heat and humidity, and I accomplished nothing except watching the corn sweat.

Yes, corn "sweats". When the temps and humidity are this high, the corn takes in and releases water to keep itself cool. A single stalk of corn can release over 4 cups of water per day. An acre of corn can release 4,000 gallons of water in a day. My area has massive corn farms. They all had dense fog full of moisture hanging over the fields. The scene looked apocalyptic.

The poor wildlife were miserable.

I am making a To-Do list for next week, because we are supposed to cool down, and I'll be able to move and breathe. :-)

Everyone have a good week. Hugs and love to you all.

  • Thank you, Wendy.  I enjoyed that!!  

    Rusty - Hopefully the midge season will be almost over by now.  July and August are the worst.  Not sure they quite understand insect repellent - there are so many of them!  And good luck with the sun cream ... hope you manage to use it.

  • It does come to those that wait & wait. IT HAS HAPPENED. Nursing Home offer for OH on Friday morn, Dau#2 & I visited & accepted that afternoon, I broke the news to OH Sat morn. He moved in Monday morn. Dau#1 transferred him & I met them there with his “baggage”. It is a 25 min drive for me, further than I like but places are scarce. Dau is slightly closer, so perhaps good thing when I cannot drive any more. It is a large complex, all ground floor, all single rooms with en suite. His room is sunny with a view of garden. I noticed a variety of sitting rooms – quiet, TV or bingo. They do the laundry (YEAY). I hope he settles; I am going out for a coffee date this morn.

    LINDA – Happy Birthday. I remembered before the day and intended to post but time disappeared! Glad you are getting lots of relaxing time.

  • AQ - what a relief for you and the family. I'm so pleased for you. One layer of worry and uncertainty removed. Sending hugs {  }

  • AQ - I'm so pleased to hear your news.  The nursing home for your OH sounds just right, and I'm sure he will enjoy looking out at the garden.  Such a relief for you, knowing he is safe and comfortable.  Hope you enjoyed your coffee date.

  • AQ  Glad to hear your news, it all sounds very positive....such a relief for you all.

  • Bumping us up - everyone must be busy !

    I can't stop, gas boiler has broken down so waiting for engineer

  • Oh dear Heather, hope you get it fixed quickly.

  • Engineer just left. He has done something (!) to the valves - all working now but it is an old boiler and coming to the end of its life :-(

  • Boilers can be a bit unpredictable. Glad its sorted for now, at least, Heather. 

    AQ - Such exciting news! The waiting part can be awful whilst your fate is in someone else's hands. It sounds as if your OH could be happy there and you can relax a bit knowing that he's being cared for. Fingers crossed.

    We're back home - returned yesterday, & I was tired even though my OH did all the driving. We'd had a pleasant stay and mostly very good weather, which is a bonus in this strange summer we're having. 

    The garden looked overgrown & the lawn miles high even though we'd only been gone for  5 days. My sweet peas are the most pathetic ever - I picked 5 stems before we left and just now, three more. :-((

    I expected birthday cards on the mat as my birthday was way back on Saturday but nope - just one letter from the Government!! No wonder I read somewhere that people no longer send cards ....