Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 1 September 2024


The new moon (the dark moon) is Monday in the UK/US. It's also Labor Day in the US. That's the unofficial first day of autumn here.

I have no wildlife stories or personal news to impart. I spent the past week sitting on my bed and perspiring. We broke our daily records for high heat and humidity, and I accomplished nothing except watching the corn sweat.

Yes, corn "sweats". When the temps and humidity are this high, the corn takes in and releases water to keep itself cool. A single stalk of corn can release over 4 cups of water per day. An acre of corn can release 4,000 gallons of water in a day. My area has massive corn farms. They all had dense fog full of moisture hanging over the fields. The scene looked apocalyptic.

The poor wildlife were miserable.

I am making a To-Do list for next week, because we are supposed to cool down, and I'll be able to move and breathe. :-)

Everyone have a good week. Hugs and love to you all.

  • Diane:  Thank you - and how interesting to read that corn sweats.  I wonder how many other crops react that way.   Our coolerr-than-normal weather is supposed to give way to above average temps next week..   

    Rusty: England is such a  pretty country.  The vista's here are on such a huge scale, but beautiful and so impressive.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.

  • Diane - That's really interesting.  I had no idea that corn 'sweats'.  I'm so glad every day is a school day - I so enjoy learning new things like that.  You never know when that sort of information can be dropped into a conversation!

  • Thank you for starting us off, Diane -- sorry you've been so uncomfortably hot, it's not pleasant at all. 

    Cloudy here this morning. We had such a beautiful day here yesterday- enjoyed our walk as I said, stocked up on grub supplies & then some of our neighbours came over with a big bunch of beautiful flowers for me, as it was my birthday. We sat in the sun after lunch, then went out for an early evening meal in a pub: I had stewed Welsh Black Beef (the cattle round here are huge Black specimens and famous for their beef) which was sooo tender, & my OH had Welsh Lamb in cranberry & red wine gravy. He then had crumble & custard, & I had Creme Brulee.  

  • Lindy - that sounds like a lovely birthday. Belated best wishes. I see now why you went to Wales. Gorgeous photo. 
    Diane - thank you for starting us off again, I really don’t think I could tolerate all that humidity. It is most interesting what the corn does.

    Annette - glad you liked my photo. Just a mini correction. I am in Wales!!!!!!! I have been on another of my lockdown walks this morning which gives lovely views of the Clwydian Range of hills. However, it is damp and misty so no views. In fact, it feels quite autumnal.