Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 25 August 2024


I think the wildlife are preparing for an early autumn here. We had some chilly nights this past week. The hummingbirds left for their winter homes. The Black Vultures are gone. Plus, this week, I saw a huge V of Canadian Geese headed south already. 

I hope everyone has a good week.

Love and hugs to all!

  • So now it’s Wednesday – I thought last week was muddled – that was before this week overtook me!  Each time I nearly find a chance to get to the study and ask E-E to bring me in here, he is doing something else or helping J with something.  We are all worn out with medical stuff – again.  Monday the cleaners came.  It was one of their 2-hour sessions, so E-E went shopping, but roadworks delayed him, so he only just got home in time to move me out of their way.  I believe it was bank holiday in England and Wales but not in Scotland, but Tuesday morning J got a doctor call in response to an e-consult request.  She talked with him and arranged a blood test for the next day.  The trainee nurse couldn’t get any blood, so gave him stuff for different tests and made a phlebotomist appt for today.  He wasn’t able to provide the samples needed but did get satisfactory bloods taken.  His walking isn’t safe enough to get to doc at present so all these involved lifts to town.  This morning the podiatrist came.  E-E has an ingrown toenail, but not serious and he also had a broken nail which needed tidying up.  She had to dig quite a lot out around both my large toenails, but only one needed a dressing – it is quite painful now.  I have appt for blood tests tomorrow, so we hope to be able to deliver samples from J!

    Weather has been unbelievable at times, but I have mostly avoided going outside in the rain and cold wind.  Will now look back to see when I last wrote.

    ANNETTE – sorry your niece cannot call in on her travels, but nice that she is getting her fares paid to visit Oz.

    HEATHER – not surprised about the grape leaves fading – OH reported today that runner beans are doing same!  I shall be lost if they stop early – usually go on into October!  Are there rigs off Montrose now?  They repeated that TV programme “The Rigs of Nigg” – I recorded it intending to watch it again as it was very interesting, especially how many women engineers worked there!

    PAT – my mother always refused to pick blackberries in August – told me the devil is in them until September.  Perhaps that was to prevent me getting tummy ache from eating them under-ripe!

    DIBNLIB – there do seem to be a few projects around to save the Clydesdales and other Heavy Horses – we would miss them if they die out.

    Well, dinner will be ready soon, so I must stop now.

  • OG - I have been surprised how early - and delicious - the blackberries have been this year.  Hopefully they will last into September, although most of those that are reachable have already disappeared.  I do feel I have had my share this year - but will still hope for more!

  • Oh  dear, I'm behind again. We came home from our sons yesterday...both of us tired out, last night. We did enjoy seeing them all, and Amber was thrilled with her birthday presents. Went out for a lunch on Monday at an Italian restaurant in the middle of St Albans - it's a city, so was busy and it was fine weather. Yummy food - I had fried brie followed by cannelloni, while we watched the pizza maker throwing the dough in the air! 

  • Son in law is in the onshore workshop this trip, OG. The hotel is a bit crummy though, same thing as the last time he was there.

  • OG - what a problem J had with the blood tests. I hope yours go more smoothly. I also hope your toe is less painful now. I agree regarding the weather. It has been really unpredictable. 
    Lindy - I am glad your trip went well but I am not surprised you are both tired now. That Italian place sounds to have been a big hit. 
    My hairdresser arrived this morning soon after 9 and set all her things out only to discover that she hadn’t brought my colour! She drove all the way home for it - an hours round trip! In the meantime I had a delivery, a visit from the lawn treatment people, a chat with my neighbour, a dog walker I got to know during Covid and then another neighbour!!! I feel so lucky to live round here. So, I finally got my hair done by lunchtime. After lunch I walked down to our village centre for some shopping at Sainsbury’s Local and the chemists. Then the post van arrived (it comes for an hour 3 times a week) I had a parcel to post to my friend in Canada. I was prepared for the shock of the price. In the queue were 3 people I know so I had chats to them! I suppose having lived and worked here for over 40 years it isn’t surprising I know so many people. 

  • gosh, quiet on here but I haven't been around much either.   Have been busy and can't believe it's Friday - again!!  

    Rusty: How big is your village? Sonds like you wouldn't have a chance to get lonely.

  • Annette - 40 years ago it was a village and people still call it that, but now there are estates of houses everywhere and it is much much bigger. The area with the shops and community centre (which has a cafe) still has that village feel. Big reveal now. The reason I know so many people is because I taught at the local school for 30 years!!! I know parents and pupils from all that time. They know me and still come up to have a chat. I like to catch up on what they are doing now and meet their kids and grandkids!!! (Makes me feel old!!)

  • RUSTY - Your village and the folk who live there ( including you) sound lovely. As for the cost of postage these days, it's horrific. I have a sister in law in Canada and dear friends in Denmark so can empathise. I sent a small parcel to Denmark on the 16 th of this month. Quite apart from the postage cost, it took 13 days to get there. For goodness sake, Denmark is only a hop across the North Sea. 

  • Heather:  Re Denmark post, probably cheaper to get on a plane and deliver it yourself.  Speaking of which, how are your Danish friends doing?  Any plans for them to come visit?

    Rusty:  Duh.  No wonder you have some many friends and aqaintances - and of a wide age spread too what with all those connections.

    Have no idea where our summer went - it's gone all May Gray this last week (but with increased temps due next week).  All in all a weirdly different and inconsistent summer.  Still, no tornadoes, hurricanes or excessive heat.....

  • Hi!  So what happened yesterday?

    I went for blood tests etc in the morning – but no blood so got a new appt next Wednesday!   J phoned for doc appt and was seen in the afternoon – was worried by a sudden phobia.  Doc had good listening skills.  Said it possibly is yet another thing derived from the brain tumours – gave him pills to calm him more (compatible with the ones he already has).  It was all news to us – we didn’t know this was bothering him.  We now feel even more reluctant to support the proposed change of accommodation away from us.  He seems to have had an encouraging visit to job centre this morning.

    Our days feel so discouraging at the moment – difficult to plan or do anything or think what we might do.


    LINDA – glad Amber’s birthday went well.  How much longer will OH drive these long journeys?  We are feeling old as we just had news that E-E’s brother is going into a care home next week – he is eight years older than us.