Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 July 2024


I just walked through the door, back from dog-sitting for friends in Indianapolis. Except for cuddling the dogs, it was an awful time in every possible way. I don't think I'm going to do it again. Probably won't be asked. My friend and I had a bad argument on the way home. I will do you all a favor and not detail my 5 days for you. 

No wildlife stories from me this week, except that there were also raccoons in the attic there.

I will now read and catch up with all your news. Everyone have a good week. Love and hugs to all.

  • Heather - good to hear from you. Dare I say you sound more positive. 
    Lindy - sad news about yet another funeral to attend. Glad you could get a bit of gardening done.

    OG - so sorry that you had such a painful leg the other night, I hope last night was better. 
    It was hot here yesterday. I did a bit of gardening in the morning but retreated inside in the afternoon. 
    Today I am taking a friend to a small nature reserve which she hasn’t visited. Also, a new cafe has opened near it so we are going to try it out!!! 

  • I'm not holding my breath, but things seem to be moving. OH assessed for permanent care and we are now waiting for a place in a Nursing Home. The Red Tape grindeth slowly.

    I finished OH's new cardigan today, in record time, just under 2 months.

  • Hi to AQ and all - its good to hear news re OH care situation and progress of the cardigan.

    OG - Sorrry about your leg pain - I always think pain in the night is worse than during the day -  I hope it has improved by now, I too had a family of crows that used to visit my garden in Surbiton. I used to throw monkey nuts out and they loved them. they would wait patiently on the fence, moving close and closer to the kitchen window to encourage me and would bring their brood back every year.

    Heather - my Mum took ages to lose her fear of falling - she fell down the stair at a railway station and broke both wrists. Whenever we went out she clung onto me. Keep being positive if you can.

    Lindy - good to hear your OH is resting up at last. Funerals at our age are something we all experience. But of course its not just the old that die. The poor children that havd died and been injured yesterday - its no wonder we don't want to watch the news at the moment.

    My youngest Daughter Katie would have been 39 tomorrow - she died 7 years ago - and we all celebrate her birthday and know how lucky we were to have had her for almost 31 years.

    Keep positive all and those that have the warm weather - enjoy it, if its your thing. For me I prefer Autumn and Winter, especially where I live in Suffolk by the East Coast.

  • AQ - it must be a very emotional time for you. Given that your OH passed his assessment for permanent care just shows how much you had been doing and how well you had been doing too. I hope a place can be found soon and that it is not too far away. Congratulations on finishing the new cardigan.

    Harelady - I like that you celebrate your daughter’s birthday still. 
    I  too prefer the cooler weather. Today I took my friend to the small nature reserve. It is near the coast and in woodland so it was pleasantly cool. I saw the kingfisher. My friend missed it sadly,  Afterwards we tried the new cafe. They were having major teething problems particularly with the electricity supply which they have found to be insufficient to run all the coffee machines etc. Consequently, we had to wait for over an hour for 2 toasties. They were very apologetic. I was happy to sit with my cup of tea and watch the world go by. My friend got herself rather worked up about it. We couldn’t get up and walk away as we had paid at the counter before we went and sat at an outside table to wait!!! It seems they are going to have to pay an awful lot of money to have the extra electricity supply brought in. 

  • Thank you HARELADY & RUSTY.

    Warm weather? What's that? Our overnight min temp was 3.2 C, now it is 5 C (7.20 am). Clear skies, frosts, no rain. Food shop this morn - not that there is much for one & I am now shopping fortnightly! Later another visit to OH and see if I get any sense from hospital when OH will move on. I found a list "things to buy" to make OH's life easier at home and I crossed most off as not needed.

  • Harelady:  Gosh, seven years ago.  Still so hard..... I agree with Rusty re celebrating her birthday - such a lovely way to remember...

    AQ:  Is your OH settling at all?  Is he aware he's going to move?  I bet you must wonder how you coped all that time.

    Have been seeing quite a bit of the kids (three generations!).  Granddaughter comes by a couple of times a week to help OH organize his ofice (read shredding years of ancient info!) and Ms. D helped me saw off some fat branches in the hedge and yesterday vacuumed the house (except for my room which  needs tidying first). Messed up my shoulder back when we were working on the condo and haven't really given it a chance to rest so certainly appreciated her help as using the vacuum doesn't help shoulder.

    Am reading posts but have been remiss in answering; still, glad everyone is bopping along.