Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 21 July 2024


The full moon is Sunday morning in the UK and the US. 

Three of the raccoons are growing huge like their mother. The little one is only half the size of his siblings. I wonder if he's healthy.

I'm leaving on Tuesday to spend a few days dog-sitting for my friends in Indianapolis. This has been a bad summer for several personal reasons, and I'm looking forward to a change of scenery. My friends have all the streaming channels. I'm going to watch TV, treat myself to pizza and key lime pie, and cuddle the 5 dogs. 

Everyone have a good week. Love and hugs to all!

  • AQ - Good to hear from you.  Don't be too hard on yourself - you have been through a huge life change in the past few weeks.  Keep taking those frequent naps, and doing things around the house when you feel like it.  Nobody is going to judge you.  It's definitely a time to be kind to yourself.  Your words to Heather are equally applicable to you!

    My lovely gardening lady came yesterday - in the pouring rain - and removed a shrub that was taking over my tiny plot.  I bought a cistus some years ago, when it was about six inches tall.  Over the next six or seven years it flowered beautifully for about three weeks in the spring and then just grew larger for the rest of the year.  It was blocking the windows and the path, and had to go.  So yesterday it went - and I now have large blank spaces.  She suggested I should have pots rather than plant things in the ground - a previous owner put in a membrane which is causing all sorts of problems, and pots seem to be a really good idea.  So that will happen, slowly.  Any ideas what I can put in not too enormous pots?  I have space for probably three.  I am no gardener, so any suggestions gratefully received!

    This morning the sun is shining out of a cloudless blue sky.  Has summer actually arrived at last?  I hope everyone enjoys any decent weather, and that those struggling in any way are able to relax a bit.  Take care, everyone.

  • I just realised I hadn’t been on for a couple of days. Must admit I was tired after Tuesday’s exploits and my back ached. I hadn’t realised how much I must have been holding the gentleman up. He rang me on Wednesday and was absolutely fine. He had been out shopping as he usually does. It was definitely low sugars as a result of not topping them up as he should. Sadly, it’s those sort of things he forgets. 
    Thanks for the updates AQ. Life must be hard for you just now adjusting to this different way of life. As Pat says (her post has just popped up as I am typing) you do need to make time for yourself too. Also, AQ with regard to the Olympics, I see that there has been vandalism on all the train lines leading into Paris overnight thus preventing people from getting there! What are people like? 
    OG - glad your family day went off OK. I hope you get out on your shopping and lunch out expedition today. It is sunny here. 
    We haven’t heard from Lindy. I wonder if her OH has had his biopsy results. I do hope all is OK. Am sending love and hugs her way.

    Heather - hope your new grabber has arrived and that you find it useful. I can’t imagine not being able to bend down for fear of fainting. It must be so easy to forget. No wonder you are wary of doing things. 

    I am watching and reading with sadness the reports of the terrible wildfires which have afflicted the Canadian resort of Jasper in the Rockies. It is a beautiful place and, back in the day, I spent several holidays there with my Canadian friends who live in Calgary. 
    Today I am going birding to Burton Mere Wetlands with a friend. We will have lunch in their nice cafe. I won’t leave it too late to get home or I will be in the dreaded Friday night queue to get into North Wales. I do know a way round but a decision has to be made before I know whether there is a queue or not!!! 

  • PAT   We have acers and azaleas in tubs,  they are many years old and still looking great.