Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 July 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The big female raccoon I told you about has 4 half-grown offspring. They don't seem to have any fear of me, and I'm trying to avoid them so I don't habituate them to humans.

I don't have any other wildlife stories. I've been indoors most of the week. The remnants of Hurricane Beryl hit Indiana with thunderstorms, flooding, and tornadoes. I'm fine, but it's been an ugly week.

Love and hugs to all.

  • Hi all, not been on for some days as was having trouble with computer but my computer guru has fixed problem for me so am up and running again.

    Do hope that all of you are ok.   Not looking back but know that glancing through you have all been busy in one way or another.

    Should have seen consultant today re knee but it was cancelled by letter received on Tuesday.   However I rang yesterday to find out what was happening but couldn't really say. This morning I had a phone call from the department to say that my consultant had retired but they have another ortho consultant and would I be interested - have now accepted an initial appointment for a week tomorrow in the afternoon.   Thankfully , daughter will have broken up for the summer hols so can take and bring back, we will see what happens.

    At least the weather has improved for a short while, mind you they say the weekend could be dodgy.

    Lindy - how did your OH's appointment go and have you had any results.   Do hope they can find out what is wrong.

    Will try and catch up but hope our friends over the pond are enjoying the shinnanigins that are going on re election fever,   OR NOT.

  • Thursday afternoon (been convinced all day that it should be Saturday, but think I have it sorted now) – will begin with those promised replies!


    ANNETTE – “Big Sister” has been closely involved with J’s troubles for a while now – thought was that it would allow us to do less, but we are the only ones on the spot when anything happens.  It isn’t up to her to arrange anything, since she brought in Social Services in January – she was present at his first meeting with social worker in January – the one (only one of two) where SW promised she would have him settled in assisted accommodation by the end of June!

    RUSTY – decisions re J are not really ours to make – my original thought was that he should be looked after when I am gone.

    LINDA- the family conference was held months ago.  Other Daughter (our middle one who fell out with the rest of us) only wants to be involved if she can be in charge and tell the rest of us what to do!

    Sorry to be going on about this topic – won’t refer to it again unless we ever have any news.

  • Lynette:  I think OR NOT would apply here.

  • OG:  I'm sure we're all interested in how things are going with J   I recall some years back that he did have his own place but that it didn't work out; hence his move back with you and EE.  Sounds like Social Services dropped the ball - if only not to keep you updated on developments or lack thereof. Do hope things can get moving.  Sorry other daughter's "my way or the highway" approach is so rigid.  

  • Now today’s real post.

    Today has been hot.  No sunshine, but dry, however no time for gardening.  We all slept late this morning.

    Podiatrist was pleased to see overnight improvement in my worst toe.  She found a few more bits to trim away and left us with dressings for if we need them.  We can phone if we need her to come earlier than our six-weeks wait.

    HEATHER – J has lived on his own in the past – both within 35 miles of us and later when he was up in Speyside, so it would not be a totally new experience.  He was 45 on his forty-fifth birthday two weeks ago!

    LYNETTE – sorry you had computer trouble – glad it is sorted.  Sorry your consultant has left – surely they should automatically have made an appointment with his replacement!  Best wishes.

    ANNETTE – sounds as if GD and MsD are camping out at the Arizona house – I guess that means it is not yet sold.

    E-E is currently busy getting lamb into oven for dinner – one of my past recipes known as “lamb thing” because it is a hybrid version of several combined!  I remembered there was some leftover jus/gravy/sauce left in the freezer from the past twice we had it, so that has saved some preparation!