Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 14 July 2024


I hope everyone has a good week.

The big female raccoon I told you about has 4 half-grown offspring. They don't seem to have any fear of me, and I'm trying to avoid them so I don't habituate them to humans.

I don't have any other wildlife stories. I've been indoors most of the week. The remnants of Hurricane Beryl hit Indiana with thunderstorms, flooding, and tornadoes. I'm fine, but it's been an ugly week.

Love and hugs to all.

  • LIndy - love the crocosmia lucifer. I have some too in the front garden. I am pleased with them although they did get a bit battered by last night’s rain! 
    OG - I can see you have some difficult decisions ahead regarding J. It must be a worry. I hope something suitable can be sorted out. I chuckled at your comment re the summer. Actually, I think in Wales we are due a couple of warmer days. 
    I met my sister for lunch in a big Marks and Spencer store today and had a mooch round afterwards. It is full of summer clothes which, I assume, no one wants or needs just now unless they are going abroad for a holiday. 

  • Food shopping this morn. A very short list, mostly fruit & veg, as I am still feasting on the selection of “meals for two” that I had already baked and in the freezer.

    I bought some new pencils, sorry, writing instruments as they are apparently now named. The package states in 20 different languages that they are wood-free graphite. Do not splinter if they break as they are made from recycled material. I wonder what danger this “recycled material” poses. Quite pretty with a barcode printed on each. BTW made in France. Can’t Aussieland make a simple pencil?

    Another chilly, showery day. Max temp has crept up to 13 C. We had early morning fog 3 days this week. I tried to weed yesterday while the weeds are still weaker than I, but it rained.