WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 7 2024

Hallo all.  Happy New Week.

  • Another dry day – no rain, not even the threatened drizzle.  Local window-blind man came this morning  - he repaired some which had bits gone slightly wrong, but we need to replace the two in the lounge (biggest and most expensive, of course!)  Went to local supermarkets this afternoon.  I had a melt-down in Tesco – “I hate food” was my basic thought, and I made it known!  Feeling better now, but I still hate food.

    Just handed J’s medicine management back to him, as he is coping well now – I think all the nasty extra meds are now out of his system.

    CLARE – me too! I also love pied wagtails.  The ones who used to sing nightly roosting in the tree outside our local Indian restaurant all left a few years ago, but we see the occasional few on the Aldi car park.

    LINDA – One disadvantage of drinking plenty to flush things out – what goes in needs to come out!  I hope he will soon get more sleep and that you will soon hear biopsy results.

    DIBNLIB – pleased to hear about the follow-up scan result – and a long wait till the next one is due.  Pleased also about Benson.

    HEATHER – were the family there for gardening?

    I am hoping E-E will plant some follow-on lettuce and radish seeds this weekend, before this summer disappears again.

  • Another dry day – no rain, not even the threatened drizzle.  Local window-blind man came this morning  - he repaired some which had bits gone slightly wrong, but we need to replace the two in the lounge (biggest and most expensive, of course!)  Went to local supermarkets this afternoon.  I had a melt-down in Tesco – “I hate food” was my basic thought, and I made it known!  Feeling better now, but I still hate food.

    Just handed J’s medicine management back to him, as he is coping well now – I think all the nasty extra meds are now out of his system.

    CLARE – me too! I also love pied wagtails.  The ones who used to sing nightly roosting in the tree outside our local Indian restaurant all left a few years ago, but we see the occasional few on the Aldi car park.

    LINDA – One disadvantage of drinking plenty to flush things out – what goes in needs to come out!  I hope he will soon get more sleep and that you will soon hear biopsy results.

    DIBNLIB – pleased to hear about the follow-up scan result – and a long wait till the next one is due.  Pleased also about Benson.

    HEATHER – were the family there for gardening?

    I am hoping E-E will plant some follow-on lettuce and radish seeds this weekend, before this summer disappears again.

  • OG:  Oh I can certainly relate to having a meltdown in a supermarket.  I like food; just hate shopping for and cooking it. :-)

    Well, Novak Djokovich has thoughtfully just won the men's semi-final in time for lunch.  His opponent Musetti (one of the up-and-comers) played a really good game and Novak will face Alcarez - another really good young contender - on Sunday, but at 5 a.m.our time!. Arghhh.   That, plus the England/Spain at noon on Sunday means not a lot will get done.  

  • Another dry day – no rain, not even the threatened drizzle.  Local window-blind man came this morning  - he repaired some which had bits gone slightly wrong, but we need to replace the two in the lounge (biggest and most expensive, of course!)  Went to local supermarkets this afternoon.  I had a melt-down in Tesco – “I hate food” was my basic thought, and I made it known!  Feeling better now, but I still hate food.

    Just handed J’s medicine management back to him, as he is coping well now – I think all the nasty extra meds are now out of his system.

    CLARE – me too! I also love pied wagtails.  The ones who used to sing nightly roosting in the tree outside our local Indian restaurant all left a few years ago, but we see the occasional few on the Aldi car park.

    LINDA – One disadvantage of drinking plenty to flush things out – what goes in needs to come out!  I hope he will soon get more sleep and that you will soon hear biopsy results.

    DIBNLIB – pleased to hear about the follow-up scan result – and a long wait till the next one is due.  Pleased also about Benson.

    HEATHER – were the family there for gardening?

    I am hoping E-E will plant some follow-on lettuce and radish seeds this weekend, before this summer disappears again.

  • Sorry, folks, it wouldn't post earlier - now it's done it three times!!!!

  • Good news, dibnlib. That was a long wait. 

    Annette - I'm enjoying the tennis. 

    Ghastly weather here:  drizzle quite a lot of the day. Some of the roses are just rotting in their buds and our sweet peas are no bigger than a week ago - may have to scrap them altogether! I had to go and find some socks to wear to warm up my feet!!

  • LINDY  I think this is the best Wimbledon for years.  Dare I say thank goodness the Williams sisters are no longer around to play their very boring game.

  • Trying to drizzle here today, but OH has hoed the veg patch and said it is dry enough to sow some seeds – maybe it will happen this afternoon!

    I never got enthusiastic about Wimbledon this year – just too much sport everywhere this summer – something like five weeks of Olympics ahead - but was pleased with cricket result. 

    Decided we can’t be bothered to go to first history exhibition of the summer this weekend – guess what the subject is – sport!  Next one in two weeks is Arts – so may get to that one!

  • OG - I am glad some gardening is getting done somewhere! It continues to be grey, damp and uninspiring here!! I was watching the golf from North Berwick yesterday and it looked lovely up there. Nice and sunny!! I too am not a tennis fan. I do enjoy the Tour de France and hope AQ is able to enjoy it too with everything that is going on. I will watch the football from behind the sofa tomorrow!! (lol)

    Lindy - having failed with my sweet peas last year (for the first time ever) I have planted them in a different spot in my sunny border and they are better. I am cutting a small vase full about every 5 days. They smell lovely. 

  • Just enjoyed the tennis Final. Rather annoying to see all the spectators both yesterday and today, sitting in their Summer frocks & T shirts in the sunshine  when we are suffering such an awful July here! Very cloudy and occasional spots of rain...

    My OH had a better night. We have been told it can be between 2 to 3 weeks before the results of the biopsy are available & then he will be called in to discuss the findings and treatment, if any. Fingers crossed!!

    OG -  I do sometimes want to sit down in the middle of the aisle in the supermarket- I know we're very lucky to have such a wealth of choice, but we seem to eat a limited list of dishes, partly because my OH doesn't like a lot of the newer cuisine. He will only eat rice once a fortnight and prefers pasta dishes only in winter. He clings to his Mums wonderful "meat & 2 veg" including a lot of potatoes.

    Rusty -- I do love the smell of sweet  peas, which I grow in order to pick for in the house.